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Showing posts from October, 2016

Can You Be Trusted?

Can You Be Trusted? Philemon 1:21 KJV Having confidence in thy obedience I wrote unto thee, knowing that thou wilt also do more than I say. Being obedient is not a big issue but are you obedient even when the instructor is not present? Is there any confidence in your obedience? Do you you obey at all times? Here, Paul and Timothy wrote unto Philemon and they had confidence that Philemon will do even better than they asked him to do. Can your Parents, Heads and Leaders trust you to obey them in their absence? Beloved, let's do things without eye service, then our actions and inactions will always be good with or without the people seeing us, Col 3:23. Shalom and Grace beloved!!


LOOK TO JESUS Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith... If you are sick, you must know that you are already healed because of the finished work of Christ. Don’t ask, “Do I have enough faith to be healed? Do I have the right kind of faith to be healed? What if I am lacking in faith?” You are focusing on yourself and your faith, instead of Christ and His finished work. You should be asking, “Did Jesus take away this sickness? If He did, then He must have done a perfect work.” In other words, fix your eyes on Jesus and His perfect work. AB Simpson, who lived in the 19th century, wrote an article entitled  Himself . In it, he mentioned his exhausted nervous system, and broken-down heart which could have proved fatal any time. So he sought the Lord for healing. God showed him Matthew 8:17, which says that Jesus “Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses”. AB Simpson said that though he believed that Jesus had borne away his sic

A Good Name

A Good Name Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than oil of great price, and the day of death than the day of birth. Also read, Prov 22:1, Acts 6:3, 1 Tim 3:2. Whatsoever a one does, he or she should always weight the action and inaction against his or her name. Acquiring wealth through unholy means mostly result to a bad name. A bad name is a problem to the named, the named's family and named's the religion. You see, no matter the money and material things at the end, it doesn't worth the striping off of one's good name, look at Judas Iscariot. Beloved, good names are attractive and bad names are repulsive. As a Christian, try to have a good name. God knows the importance of a good name that is why it is a criteria to the selection of church/Christian workers. At death, it is your name that people will remember. Not your wealth but how you got the wealth. It's your name that will stand the test of time not your wealth. The grace to have a good n

The Limit of Money

The Limit of Money Ecclesiastes 7:12 Indeed, wisdom gives protection, just like money does, but it’s better to know that wisdom gives life, to those who have mastered it. Also read, Proverbs 8:10, Matthew 27:3-6 Of course the Bible says that money answers all things, Ecclesiastes 10:19. All things here is in relation to what was mentioned in the verse and preceding verse, which are material things in nature. If money can really answer all things (including life) why will the Philosopher say, 'Vanity upon vanity all is vanity'? Money can't buy life. Life is gotten through the obedience of God's instructions. That's we're advised to value instructions more than Gold (money). From our opening scripture, money and wisdom gives protection but only wisdom gives life. Wisdom is the fear of God which is the doing of God's instructions. Beloved, don't put your life at the expense of money. With wisdom, money will not be lacking. Receive grace to va

Loving Money

Loving Money 1 Timothy 6:6-10 [10] For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, in their eagerness to get rich, have wandered away from the faith and caused themselves a lot of pain. Also read: Ecclesiastes 5:10, Proverbs 8:10, Luke 16:14, Proverbs 15:27 Money is very good and relevant but not essential (only God's Word is). The Bible and God himself condemns the love of money. We should not love money, gold and material things more than God. Loving money makes ones to neglect and forsake God. The Pharisees and others who loved money in the Bible couldn't and didn't please God. The unholy quest and high love for money has many persons and families there respect, life and good name, even till date. Good name is far better than riches. Good name stands the test of time but riches can't. Are you for good name or for riches? Yes the economy is bad but that shouldn't make us choose riches above good name. May we be Heavenly consci

Forsaking the Lord!

Forsaking the Lord! Jeremiah 17:13 LORD, you are the hope of Israel; all who forsake you will be put to shame. Those who turn aside from you will be written in the dust ... Also read, Exodus 20:4-6, Luke 15:11-32 To forsake is to abandon, renounce and desert. When a human forsakes God, he or she decline the father and child, and creator and creature relationship. God is our Creator, Sustainer, Hope and Spring of Life. Forsaking God is embracing the creature (which can give nothing enduring), and rejecting hope, life and comfort. God is so merciful that He is giving the ATHEIST and all others the opportunity to come back to Him. He is a Father as seen in the parable of the prodigal son, a diligent Shepherd and Custodian (read Luke 15). Beloved, you that has forsaken God remember He is your Creator and He owns your life. Come back to God, He loves you and waits for your return. May God touch all His forsakers as He touched Saul and made him Paul. God loves you. Return now


Wealthiness Proverbs 28:22 The miser is in a hurry to get wealthy, but he isn’t aware that poverty will catch up with him. Also read, Jere 17:11, Ecc 5:10; 7:12, 1 Tim 6:10, Prov 15:27 Wealth is a good thing. It's even called a defense (though it doesn't gives life). It's God's plan for humans to be wealthy, in fact He gave us His wealthy and our poverty He took. Being in haste to becoming wealthy doesn't always ends well. The person may get the wealth but at last run will always regret. "Those who are greedy for unjust gain bring trouble into their homes ..." Beloved, convert the love you have for money and the desire you have to make wealth into the love for God and the desire to serve God respectively. In converting these to God then comes your wealth easily because wealth is never by human's strength and scheme but by God's Favour, moreover God gives the power to get wealth. I pray for you, that the love of God grow more in your

Importance of Worshipping God

Importance of Worshipping God John 4:23 You can't love God without worshipping Him. God wants us to worship Him not only in the church during choir ministration but always. Worship is very very important. God loves those who worship Him. Nobody should compel you to worship God. When you're worshipping God, you forget the physical, the instruments and the lyrics. Hebrews 13:15. When you worship God you live above your equal and God loves you. John 16:14. When you worship God, He moves with you. Psalms 145:3. Shalom! _______ An extract of a sermon by a youth of Christ's Chosen Church of God International, Abraka Branch.

How to Activate Uncommon Favour

How to Activate Uncommon Favour Uncommon is something unusual, favour is mother of destiny, converts labour to fortune. Psalms 102:42-14, Luke 2:52, 1 Samuel 2:26 You can't experience God's act without knowing His ways, Psalm 103:7. Doing what God loves propels a human to stardom. What is the percentage of God's knowledge in you? Favour produces supernatural increase and promotion, Genesis 39:21. The new birth experience removes man from labour to favour. Favour produces restoration, honour, increase, preferential treatment. Deuteronomy 33:23. Being born again is the visa to God covenant world of wonders. Walk in righteousness. Be a promoter of the kingdom. Be a willing and cheerful giver. Remember the needy and the disadvantaged. Shalom. _____ An extract of a sermon by Apostle Samuel Idedevwo of Christ's Chosen Church of God, International, Abraka Branch.

Don't Be Weary

Don't Be Weary 2 Thessalonians 3:13 KJV But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing. AMP And as for you, brethren, do not become weary or lose heart in doing right [but continue in well-doing without weakening]. Doing good is not always pleasant. Most times, it is very difficult. By our position in Christ, we are called to do good. In good doing, we are admonished not to be weak because the all knowing God knows that one day we will be confronted with the burden of being tired and backing off. The reward of doing good is not immediate at times. If Abraham was fed up of doing good, he would've missed the blessing of Isaac, also Lot and family might not be saved, Genesis 18. Gal. 6:9, clearly started that 'If we faint not'. Meaning the reward of good doing is in continuous good doing. Beloved are you thinking of stopping your good doing? Don't be please. Continue doing good and your reward will never elude you. May this grace to continue in doing g

Walk and Work

Walk and Work 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11 KJV [10] ... if any would not work, neither should he eat. [11] For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. These two words are important in everyone's life. Three questions to be answered are: How do you walk? Do you work? If yes, how do you work? Walk in this context is not the physical locomotive movement of one's feet but one's spiritual relationship with God and human. Believers are to work to avoid idleness and sin. We are also to walk orderly (according to the profession of our faith). While we ensure to work, we must primarily put our walk in consideration. Our work should not hamper our orderly walking with the Lord and human. Your walk should be the outmost and not your work. Don't compromise your walk because of your work. If busybody has become your work then you are not walking in an orderly manner. Receive grace for good work and to walk wor

The Better Suffering

The Better Suffering 1 Peter 3:17-18 KJV [17] For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing. [18] For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: Are you suffering, in pains or in distress? If yes, then is it a good or bad suffering? Not all suffering are good ones. Suffering for ones wrong doing is a norm but suffering for others wrong doing is unconventional and ill. Jesus suffered for doing good and this is expected of us. It is a righteous thing to suffer for good. So brethren, it is not enough to say you're suffering but for what reason are you suffering? Beloved, your faith in God has enlisted your name for suffering based on your good, John 15:18-19; 17:14, 2 Corin 1:2-11; 12:10, 2 Timothy 3:11-12. May God help us to maintain our faith, love and zeal for Him during our period of suffering for good doing. Sha

Substance of Sanctification

Substance of Sanctification John 17:17, Ephesians 5:26, Hebrews 13:12 In the days of old, the blood of goats provides temporal sanctification for the people, Leviticus 16:10-17. This do not totally sanctifies the sinners but provides a temporal access to the things of God. The coming and dying of Jesus placed us under a better covenant and gave us a limitless access to the things of God, Hebrews 8:6; 12:24. Today, believers in Christ Jesus are sanctified through His Word and His Blood. This sanctification is not a physical process by a spiritual once which is carries out by believing. Sanctification provided by Jesus is available to all but only accessible to those that believes in His. His word sanctifies us from the wisdom and vain philosophies of this earth and by His word our lives take a new physical shape which began from the spiritual. His blood sanctifies our spiritual state, mark and quantifies us as righteous and holy before His father. May we never lack Grace. Shalom

Christ: The Sanctifier

Christ: The Sanctifier Ephesians 5:26, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Hebrews 13:12 It is God that sanctifies and this sanctification is obtained through graceful and willy obedience to God as we saw yesterday. In John 17:17, 19, we see that obeying God is by adhering to and obeying His word. Also, because Jesus has been sanctified, He sanctifies us, His believers; because we life by the truth. The Bible made us to understand that our works, strength, strategies and wisdom can not sanctify, justify, redeem and save us, Ephesians 2:8. Beloved, no matter how your life may be now, no matter the number of people that might have written you off, no matter the level of evil you might have done and others; just come to the sanctifier, Jesus Christ, and you will totally sanctified. Christ is waiting for you, He has called you and He want to touch you for total cleanse, Isaiah 1:18. Are you a thief, a fornicator, a murderer and so on? God loves you, come to Him for sanctification, Heb 4:16. S

Sanctification through Obedience

Sanctification through Obedience Leviticus 20:7-8 [7] Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God. [8] And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the Lord which sanctify you. Yes, it is generally believed and taught by many school of thought that we are can't be clean, holy and righteous. This is because those school of thought tried to attain cleanliness, holiness and righteousness through their power, strength and consciousness. God wants us to be holy as He is holy, 1 Peter 1:15. This means holiness is attainable. Holiness comes through sanctification and sanctification through obedience. When we obey God, do His dos and abstain from His don'ts, then He will sanctify us and declare us Clean, Holy and Righteous, verse 8. Remember, Abraham was called righteous because he obeyed God, Galatians 3:6. Beloved, yes you can be holy, clean and righteous. You just need to obey God not forceful but willful obedience. May God spirit indw

Month of Sanctification

Month of Sanctification Exodus 29:41-45 [1] And the other lamb thou shalt offer at evening, and shalt do thereto according to the meat offering of the morning ... for a sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the Lord. [42] This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations ... [43] And there I will meet with the children of Israel, and the tabernacle shall be sanctified by my glory. [44] ... and the altar: ... both Aaron and his sons, to minister to me in the priest's office. [45] And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God. The sacrifice God needs from us today is OURSELVES, Romans 12:1. Scarifying ourselves in an holy and acceptable way results to sanctification of our life in totality and the abiding of God's presence in our lives. This makes us special among others. Beloved, this month and beyond, let us stay on the Holy Spirit for empowerment to sacrifice ourselves unto God. New month greetings of Peace, Joy, Ble