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Avoid Learning in a Hard Way

MEDITATION Avoid learning in a hard way 1. Hope of restoration after chastisement a. God promised to deliver them from captivity v53. b. God promised to remember His everlasting covenant with them v60,62. c. God promised to restore them to their former glorious status (former estate) v55. 2. Wasted years and opportunities Before this could be possible, some avoidable events happened. a. Captivity in Babylon for 70 years (over 2 generations wasted). b. Public and prolonged humiliation, shame and slavery in a foreign land due to their stubborn addition to self will v54,57,58,61,63. c. Many of their children's lives and destinies were wasted through deaths, famine and sword.  d. Destruction of their lifelong investments and possessions as Nebuchadnezzar invaded their land. e. They learnt their lessons in a hard and costly way before they could abandon their self life and yield themselves to God. 3. How to avoid learning in a hard way a. Don't experiment with disobedience to the wo

Do Not Sell Your Conscience II

THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: Thursday 4th June 2020. TOPIC: Do Not Sell Your Conscience II TEXT: Numbers 17:1-9  MESSAGE The politics of today especially in Nigeria is the selling of consciences. Voters no longer vote their conscience but they vote for money. Even most times when they vote their conscience ballot boxes are hijacked rendering our  votes countless, useless and  insignificant. We need to invite God for his divine intervention on this matter that could tear this nation apart.  Are we really mature enough to run this presidential system of governance? Have the electorates not blinded their eyes and consciences  as they accept kind or cash before they cast their vote? The elected or they that impose themselves as leaders often do not and never consider the masses. They are not faithful to the oath they swore as they are there to cause confusion, loot and dig deeper to retain their position, climb higher in subsequent elections.  What do we have in various denominations?


DAILY MANNA THURSDAY, JUNE 4 2020 It is advisable that you meditatively read the text first COVENANT KEEPER  TEXT: EZEKIEL 16:53-63. 🔑 KEY VERSE   "Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant" (EZEKIEL 16:60). One inescapable truth about humans is their inability to always keep their word or fulfill their promises. Man lacks the capacity to honour his word every time, regardless of his good intentions are noble desires. This is because man is limited. But the almighty God is not so. He is faithful and always true to His word and promises. God promised the descendants of Abraham the Promised Land and with a stretched-forth hand, brought them out of Egypt and took them to Canaan. He required them to obey His commandments and not to be like heathen nations. Israel rebelled and committed abominations, idolatry and whoredom like heathen nations. God sentenced them to suffer the consequences of


DAILY MANNA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 2020 It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first GIVING: THE SOURCE OF TRUE BLESSINGS  TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 15:1-11. 🔑KEY VERSE "Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto" (DEUTERONOMY 15:10). Janet Rheine noted that in its wild state, the olive tree is small, thorny with twisted branches. When cultivated and nurtured, it sheds its thorns and reaches a height of twenty to thirty feet and is capable of producing fruits for three hundred to five hundred years. Giving to generations after generations. What blessedness! Our passage today is about the sabbatical year of release. At the end of every seven years, every creditor forgives debts owed and the debtor is released, particularly an Israelite-debtor. This commitment was given by the Lord for Isra

Into. to Python - set, tuple, iterable

Subject covered in this video: Set and Tuple data types. Difference between set and dictionary, set and list What are Iterables Tuple from dictionary Thanks for watching! Please share, like and comment. Also SUBSCRIBE to this channel and to this blog. Thanks.

Intro. to Python - len(), max(), min(), sum() and set

Learn how to use some basic functions in a basic way like (len(), max(), min() and sum()). Also learn a new data type called set.

The Day of Recompense

DAILY MANNA TUESDAY, JUNE 2 2020 It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first THE DAY OF RECOMPENSE  TEXT: EZEKIEL 16:35-43. 🔑 KEY VERSE "Because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, but hast fretted me in all these things; behold, therefore I also will recompense thy way upon thine head, saith the Lord GOD: and thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine abominations (EZEKIEL 16:43). One of the most remarkable things about God is that He loves with the same fervour with which He judges. He has no preferences or favourites. God is no respecter of persons, no matter how highly placed or well favoured. When He sees sin either in a heathen or in a backslidden Christian, He punishes it equally. Our text was a solemn message delivered by prophet Ezekiel to Jerusalem. God had taken Jerusalem as a bride (Isaiah 54:5) but she went into adultery with strangers. She gave gifts to her lovers and hired them for whoredom.

It Doesn't Matter

Shalom! Child of God, it doesn't matter where sugarcane is planted, it will definitely be sweet.  Light always Chase away darkness both in the physical and in the spiritual. I decree and declare  today and always that, you will never taste bitterness, sorrow, sadness, failure and shame this month. Your life will be filled with joy and happiness. Everything God Almighty has created will work in your favour In Jesus Name. Much love

Faith In Obedience To God's Word

THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE :Tuesday 2 June 2020. TOPIC: Faith In Obedience To God's Word. TEXT: Gen 22:1-3 MESSAGE Walking by Faith and not by sight is one of the most stupid acts believers engage themselves. Obedience to and relying on God's word tend to put our reasoning faculties on hold. We need to follow God almost blindly. We are passing through difficulties because we are still very much dependent on our skills, and wisdom. Our wisdom cannot work out the will and glory of God. When God puts us to test, He does not intend to draw us to sin as Satan does. God allowed Job to be tempted that he might appear not only a good man but a great man. Now after all the hardship Abraham had gone through, God allowed sharper temptation. Strong faith is often exercised with strong trials and it is put up on hard surfaces. The information which was a command came without warning and intense confidence only in God who now is trying the heart. "Take  thy son not thy cat

Steps To Fruitfulness

Seeds are for private but products are for public. Ideas are private; don't give your seed to giant else they will consume it. Steps in becoming fruitful 1) Identify your seed. It's your seed that determine your fruitfulness. Your seed is inside you not outside you. "... according to the power that work in you", "out of your belly shall flow rivers of water" 2) Take hold of your seed, nurture it, guide it and develop it. 3) Sow your seed in a nice and right environment. Every seed have a soil. There's a covenant environment for every seed and person. If your seed is not growing it depends on the manner of sowing. 4) Allow your seed to grow. Seeds need time to grow. Have enough faith in your seed to grow. Plant, water, weed and apply fertilizer. Be patient with your seed. 5) Watch your seed become great. Take out the necessary and take in the necessary. 6) Let the fruit of your seed become a blessing to others. Kingdom advancement is a nice way to let you

Spirit of Delay in Single Sisters

*Types of spirits of delay in some single sisters...* *1. ...Boy friend...* This is that spirit that will keep scaring true, serious and well meaning suitors away because they'll be thinking that the boy friend that always hangs around you actually wanted to marry you. To cast out this spirit, you don't need to pray about it. Just quit the relationship. *2. ...Engagement ring...*  This is that spirit that makes you keep raising your finger to show the world that one young man that is still serving the master engaged you and when the serious suitors sees the ring, they'll pass over you because something in them tells them you have been engaged. To cast out this spirit, you don't need prayers, just remove that key holder in your finger. *3. ...Hard to get...*  This is that spirit that tells you not to accept a marriage proposal in a hurry so that the brother will not think you were too cheap or desperate. It tells you to tell him to give you six months to pray,

Operation 30 - 30 [PAWO]

Greetings God's Image. This year the Lord through the Holy Spirit has not yet instructed for our annual fasting and prayers, rather the Lord has given us the below programme. It is strictly for Praise and Worship ; 30 day for just 30 minutes. Only for Praise and Worship !!! No Request! No Asking! Only Praise and Worship. You do it in the venue comfortable for you and in the time you so choose. Operation 30 -30 [30 Minutes of Praise and Worship for 30 days] Praise And Worship Only Increase! Psalm 67:5-6  5 Let the peoples praise thee, O God; let all the peoples praise thee. 6 The earth will yield her increase; God, our God, will bless us: January 6th to February 5th, 2019 Please engage in this operation. Thanks

Church Prostitution: The Truth And A Cure!

Church Prostitution: The Truth And A Cure!  Church prostitution is a rampant phenomenon among today’s Christians. What do I mean by church prostitution? Church prostitution is the situation of moving from church to church. That’s jumping for one church to another church.  There are many reasons why Christian’s do this. Here is one of the reasons.  If you left the church to get away from hypocritical people, you should also quit your job, drop out from school, disconnect yourself from all of your friends and family, and lock yourself in your room while you are at it.  There will be flaws wherever there are humans. We need to start seeing the church for what it is. It is a hospital with wounded and hurt people. You will find messed up, conniving, calculating and imperfect individuals including yourself (as much as you want to deny it).  We all go for healing. So, if you felt betrayed by a fellow church member, put your Nursing cap on, and think of them as you

Love Beyond Norm

Love Beyond Norm Romans 5:8 – But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Love is a painful and selfless act of goodness demonstrated towards another human unconditionally. Love is not what the world has defined it to be but what the Bible has defined it to be. LOVE IS NOT PASSION!!! The world defined love just as Ammon defined it in 2 Samuel 13 but the real definition of love is seen in the Bible notably in 1 Corinthians 13, John 3:16 and others. In a dream God gave me in January, 2018, I came to understand what love is. In the dream, I saw a beautiful and sane lady caring for an insane man. She was showing him care and love. The insane man told her to eat from his refuse food to show that she really loves him and to my greatest surprise in the dream, this beautiful and sane lady starting eating painfully and remorsefully from the insane man’s refuse food. I pondered on this dream for day and met one of my spiritual fathe

N-Power Physical Verification Exercise 2017

N-Power Physical Verification Exercise 2017 It has been days now after N-Power promised to release the schedule for the 2017 physical verification exercise but none has been released. This is only true on their website; but not true on their official social media account on The N-Power official twitter handle is @npower_ng. On the 1st of December, 2017, N-Power released the schedule for the physical verification. The schedule is displayed below You can verify the above documents from N-Power twitter account by clicking HERE . Note that you should only get information from N-Power social media officials account (“Facebook:; “Twitter: @npower_ng; “Instagram:@npower_ng; “Telegram: N-PowerNG; “Nairaland: NPowerNG; “Youtube:NpowerNG; “Whatsapp: 09096245802; “Medium: N-Power ng”) or on this blog, Some local government area might have started the physical exercise hence kindly share thi

A Community in Delta State Seeks God's Face

It is indeed a time to pray to God at this time of the year. The Oruarivie-Abraka kingdom in conjunction with all Christians in Abraka has decided to call on God. This is not just to appreciate God for the year but also as the theme of the programme says, they need peace in the land. After being dealt with different evils like he Fulani herdsmen. Also, for the forthcoming local government elections. This is a welcome development and it is indeed the first of its kind in Oruarivie-Abraka. As Oruarivie-Abrak has set the stone rolling let see which community in Delta will be the next. Remember, it is God that we all need! Be there!!! The King of Oruarivie-Abraka, HRM Akpomeyoma Majoroh, Ojeta II is the host and some anointed men of God will also be featured. The schedule for the programme is thus below: Date - Friday, 1st December, 2017 Time - 10 am prompt Venue - Ojeta Secondary School, Abraka for more information call - 07061182490, 08035751169 see more details  HERE