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Gladness Not Heaviness

Proverbs 10:1 A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother. The pain of a mother is also the pain of the father and the family in general. So, no wise and right father will be happy when his son or daughter is not doing well in life – Proverbs 19:13. God turns emptiness to fullness, lack to surpluses, deadness to life and as a reason of the word for this year, everything and anything that is heaviness to you is being turned to gladness in the name of Jesus. Your heaviness might not be a son or a daughter, but it might be a business or anything of concern to you. Worry no more, just commit your heaviness into God’s hands and you will see the changes. Remember, whatsoever is committed into God’s hands is safe and secure. Shalom!  

Good news

 Proverbs 25:25 As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country . It is the doings of Jehovah alone that we have come into another new year despite all the lags, falls and rises. This year by faith in the word of God has been declared as the year where good news will not elude your life and that of your household and allies. Every thirst in your life before now will be quenched by the good news coming. Keep faith in Jehovah and your fate will be good. I pray that in accordance to the perfect will of God for you, you will experience good news frequently, in Jesus’ name – Amen.

Divine Opening

Divine Opening “ Thus saith the LORD to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will loose the loins of kings, to open before him the two leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut; ” - - - Isaiah 45:1 Hallelujah! God has graciously brought us to the second month of this year. As the Lord themed this year as our year of Divine Beautification so also is this month themed as our month of Divine Openings. You may be thinking how will come bring to past His promises but remember that God can do anything at any time He wishes to. He can use anyone to bring to pass this Divine Opening. From the passage, He used Cyrus to subdue nations and Jehovah using any person to do His will is not an issue. I pray that in any area of your life that you are experiencing difficult and closed doors, Jehovah will cause the doors to be open unto you. No more will you experience difficulty and shortages. The doors of your supply are open

By Praise!

By Praise! “And when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten.” - - - 2 Chronicles 20:22 Glory be to God! Yesterday being day 1 of OPERATION 30 – 30 [PAWO], the Lord through revelation gave us the promise of DOORS OPENING and DEFENCE. I am very positive that just praise and worship can do as God has promised. Our above scripture is a clear illustration of what true and spirit-filled worship can do. Jehoshaphat and his army had a flawless victory because it was Jehovah that fought their fight. God will fight for you in this OPERATION 30 – 30. DEFENCE is yours and DOORS OPENING. All locked doors of positivity must be opened and nothing will harm you as you carry out this operation.  Safety is yours! New connections are yours!! Celebration and Flawless Victory is yours!!! Give Jehovah all the Glory. Your testimony is not far from now.

Operation 30 - 30 [PAWO]

Greetings God's Image. This year the Lord through the Holy Spirit has not yet instructed for our annual fasting and prayers, rather the Lord has given us the below programme. It is strictly for Praise and Worship ; 30 day for just 30 minutes. Only for Praise and Worship !!! No Request! No Asking! Only Praise and Worship. You do it in the venue comfortable for you and in the time you so choose. Operation 30 -30 [30 Minutes of Praise and Worship for 30 days] Praise And Worship Only Increase! Psalm 67:5-6  5 Let the peoples praise thee, O God; let all the peoples praise thee. 6 The earth will yield her increase; God, our God, will bless us: January 6th to February 5th, 2019 Please engage in this operation. Thanks

2019 Banners

2019 Banners Greetings Beloved. Here are the different sizes of the 2019 banner. You can use any of your choice for your social media. WhatsApp Profile Pix Google Plus Twitter Facebook Thanks.

2019 – Divine Beautification

2019 – Divine Beautification - - - Psalm 149:4b “ … He beautifieth the meek with salvation” Hallelujah!!! I Congratulate and Welcome to 2019. This year has been themed via the Holy Spirit as the year of Divine Beautification. Get ready for your beautification for all you need do is to be meek both in the spiritual and in the physical. I am confident that has God revealed to me, divine beauties will locate you in this year; financially, materially and spiritually. Nothing can stop the move of God but I beg you not to stop yourself. Walk with God and you will be His person of which He takes pleasure in. Be meek and you will be beautified with salvation [prosperity, good health, safety and blessings]. God bless and increase you – Amen. Shalom and Chara! See 2019 Banners in Different Sizes  Here

October 2018 Prayers

October 2018 Prayers Psalm 107:9 – For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 90:14 – Satisfy us early with thy loving-kindness; that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Saint and Fragrance of God, only Jehovah can quench that thirst, hunger, tiredness and weariness thereby making you fully satisfied and refreshed. Have your gaze on Christ and pray these prayers: Heavenly father, I thank you for your grace upon my life, family, friends, country and religion. Heavenly father, I thank you for all the gifts you gave me in your son Jesus Christ. Jehovah, continue to do for me what no human can do. O Lord frustrate every counsel of the wicked speedily and let them be covered with shame. I surrender my life and all to you. Quench my thirst and hunger, and fill my soul fully. Jehovah, satisfy me early in this month for my gaze is solely on you. Jehovah with your fatness and goodness, satisfy and fill my soul and all those that are h

October 2018 – Month of Refreshment!

October 2018 – Month of Refreshment! Jeremiah 31:25 – I will satisfy the needs of those who are weary and fully refresh the soul of those who are faint. Beloved of God, welcome to this new month which the Lord has graciously called the month of refreshment. God is not a man, He is just and His words return not void unto Him. Just have faith in God. If Adam called the creatures names and it was so, what about God that created Adam? Nothing can stop your refreshment this month. New strength – financially, educationally, professionally etc.; is coming to you. Don’t stop yourself by not acknowledging to God that you are tired and weary. Remember, this refreshment is for the wearied and tired only. As we submit totally to God and have faith in Him, our refreshment will manifest in full according to God’s words in Jeremiah 31:25 – Amen.

September 2018 Prayers

September 2018 Prayers Joel 2:32 – And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. Beloved, pray these prayers with faith and as led by the spirit of God. Father God, take all the glory, honour and praise for your coverage upon my life that has kept me and my people safe and sound. Jehovah, go before me every day in this month; make every mountain plain and fill every valley. O Jehovah, as I call upon you this day, deliver me from strongholds and keep me safe. O Lord, as I dwell in your presence, make my life to be a reflection of yours. O Lord, help me that I will not loss my taste as the salt of this world. In the name of Jesus, I repossess all that were taken from me by the enemy. By the Lord’s mercy, I repossess all that I have lost through my ignorance and negligence. Father, celebration and joy will n

September 2018 – Month of Possessing My Possessions

September 2018 – Month of Possessing My Possessions Obadiah 1:17 – But in Mount Zion some will be kept safe, and it will be holy; and the children of Jacob will take their heritage. Hallelujah! This is the ninth month of 2018 and grace has brought us safe and sound. We give God all the praise for He alone made it possible. Beloved, I am happy for you! The preceding verse from the scripture above depicts that the children of Israel at a time were taken into captivity but grace proclaim to them repossession. This repossession will be only to those that are in Mount Zion (God’s presence) and they are holy. Hence, if you want to possess your possessions beloved you have to dwell in God’s presence and be holy. I believe that in the last month ( Month of Exchange ), you did a lot of spiritual giving. God’s will deliver you from captivities this month. Grace will locate you and you will celebrate. All you need do is to be in the Lord’s presence continually. In the

August 2018 Prayers

August 2018 Prayers God works in a mysterious way. The thoughts of human are never that of God. For there to be input there must be output. As you say these prayers, may help honour them and give you exchange positively in the areas you need them, Amen! I give unto you Jehovah all the glory, for who you are, what you have done and what you will do. Lord I lift up this month into your hands, sanctify and bless this month for my friends, family and I. Let you covenant of peace, favour, grace, mercy and love be continually present in my life. O Lord, pay me a visit in this month that will change my issues to testimony. Jehovah, give me the heart and eyes to see you and recognise you. O Lord, give me the grace to be receptive to godly messengers. Possess me O Lord with the heart of sacrifice. Jehovah, never let me lack seed to sow. My seeds and sacrifices of this month and before, speak positive exchange in my life in Jesus name. O Lord, in this month of Exchange, exchange my tro

August 2018 – Month of Exchange

August 2018 – Month of Exchange Genesis 18:8 – And he took butter and milk and the young ox which he had made ready and put it before them, waiting by them under the tree while they took food. Welcome to the eight month of 2018, hereby themed the Month of Exchange. Abraham from our text did something important and that gave him a promise to what he has been long expecting. This month, we should act like Abraham and we will see that whatever you have been expecting will be given to you. God gave Jesus to the world and He gained the world and His son back. Learn to give so that you can get. Jesus gave Himself to the purpose of His Father and He became a King rather than remaining as a begotten son. See John 3:16, Colossians 2:10, Philippians 2:9. Also remember that in the Bible, a hidden king that understands the strength of exchange, took his son that ought to become a king and sacrifice him as a burned sacrifice, 2 Kings 3:27. In this month of exchange, do s

July 2018 Prayers

God has not changed and He will never change. His words are active and powerful more than hammer, and even destroys what seems indestructible. Just use the below to pray and believe God for an answer. Jehovah I thank you for your grace, mercy, love and faithfulness towards me. Let your grace and mercy never depart from my life. O Lord, give me the heart and zeal to serve you truthfully and faithfully. Let your rain of blessing –health, finance, peace, joy, fruitfulness and so on; fall heavy on me. O Lord, make my life fruitful and fuller with good things. Father, connect me to people that will make me flourish. Father, take away lack from my life. On every good thing, Jehovah multiply me and increase my fame. O Lord, teach me thy ways that I will not make mistakes in life. I speak fruitfulness and fuller into my life and family. In this month of Divine Abundance, I will never experience lack and dryness. Lord, let every area of my life that is fruitless, dried and dead

July 2018 – Month of Divine Multiplication

Ezekiel 36:30 – And I will make the tree give more fruit and the field fuller produce, and no longer will you be shamed among the nations for need of food. Jehovah God is not like other gods that can’t not functional. Whatever that proceeds out of the mouth of God comes to manifestation. God isn’t a human that lies. The above scripture is God’s word to you this month. Every tree and field you have will increase tremendously this month. That which you felt before now is no longer viable will become viable. Your office, education, business, body, and others will bring more fruits and will become fuller. Everything that causes shame in your life is destroyed by God’s word. Those that mock you will begin to celebrate you. Nothing like lack will be mentioned in your life again. All you need to for the word of this month to speak actively in your life is just to do the right thing. Fear God and rely on him. May grace find you and bring to manifestation God’s word

June 2018 Prayers

June 2018 Prayers John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Numbers 25:12 – Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace Psalms 39:12 – Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. Thank you Jehovah for the abundance of last month and for bringing me into a new month – the month of Divine Peace. I thank you for all that you have done, all you are doing and all that you will do. O Lord, hear my prayers and be attentive to my cry. Answer me speedily and hold not your peace at my pains and tears. Father, give me the grace and enablement to serve you faithfully, truthfully and in spirit. O Jehovah, give me your covenant of peace. Let the covenant of your peace be evident in my life. In every area of my life, I speak the peace that is from above

June 2018 – Month of Divine Peace

June 2018 – Month of Divine Peace Leviticus 26:6 – And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will rid evil beasts out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land. Peace is a scared commodity in this world. Everybody, country, religion, organization and others need peace. They strategize to get peace even by establishing peace bodies and organizations but all this proof abortive and futile. Rather, the situation is becoming more peace-less. Then what is the way forward? Graciously God by His spirit has theme this month the month of peace. Peace from every turbulence of life; be it in your finance, health, marriage and others. God is giving out peace this month. This peace will make your abundance of last month to yield more abundantly rather than being ruined by the devil. Peace from God is different from peace of this world. Godly peace or divine peace can only be got from God, by doing His will and se

May 2018 – Month of Divine Abundance

May 2018 – Month of Divine Abundance  Zechariah 14:14 – And Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gathered together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.  All glory be given to God. We have been graciously privileged to be in this month due to the goodness, mercy, love and faithfulness of Jehovah.  I am happy that just yesterday; the Lord graciously said that this month of May, 2018 is the month of Divine Abundance and He gave me 1 Kings 18:41.  Ahab in 1 Kings 18 made peace with the Lord God Almighty and from Zechariah you find out that it is the wealth of the heathen and those that fought against Jehovah’s that will be converted to Jehovah’s people, hence for this divine abundance, please make peace with Jehovah, don’t fight God’s people and above all don’t be a heathen (don’t live a life of an unbeliever and don’t doubt).  Well, I have come here to prophesize unto you concerning this month; you wi

April 2018 – Month of Manifestation

April 2018 – Month of Manifestation 1 Peter 1:20 – Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you Hallelujah! All glory be to God that has graciously brought us into this new month and has also themed this month as the month of MANIFESTATION. Every thought, wishes and words of Jehovah concerning you must come to manifestation in Jesus name, Amen. Jesus was foreordained long ago but only manifested at the right time. That blessings and appointments that the Lord foreordained for you must come to manifestation. You must manifest destiny and no human or spirit will stop from manifesting destiny and God’s purpose. Remember, the vision is for an appointed time and God have good thoughts concerning you [Habakkuk 2:3, Jeremiah 29:11], hence you can’t be stopped. What the Jehovah ordained you for even before you were formed in the womb of your mother will come to manifestation [Jeremiah 1:5-10]. The same way Jehovah empowered Jeremi

March 2018 – Month of Sweet Victory!

March 2018 – Month of Sweet Victory! Joshua 10:10 – God threw them into total confusion before Israel, a major victory at Gibeon. Israel chased them along the bridge to Beth Horon and fought them all the way down to Azekah and Makkedah. (MSG) There is victory and there is total or sweet victory. The latter can be gotten by anyone except the Lord is fighting for such a one. The above scripture shows that Israel had a total and sweet victory because the Lord fought for them. In Joshua 7 when Israel rebelled against God, the reverse was the case. For God to fight for us and for us to record sweet victory in our life this month and always, one of the prerequisites is that we must have God’s presence in our life. His presence brings sweet victory. His presence brings total confusion upon the enemies of your life. God has graciously assured us sweet victory this month specifically and always, but we need to get more of His presence. We all should submerge ourselves in His presence. As we do