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Spirit of Delay in Single Sisters

*Types of spirits of delay in some single sisters...*

*1. ...Boy friend...*
This is that spirit that will keep scaring true, serious and well meaning suitors away because they'll be thinking that the boy friend that always hangs around you actually wanted to marry you.

To cast out this spirit, you don't need to pray about it. Just quit the relationship.

*2. ...Engagement ring...*
 This is that spirit that makes you keep raising your finger to show the world that one young man that is still serving the master engaged you and when the serious suitors sees the ring, they'll pass over you because something in them tells them you have been engaged. To cast out this spirit, you don't need prayers, just remove that key holder in your finger.

*3. ...Hard to get...*
 This is that spirit that tells you not to accept a marriage proposal in a hurry so that the brother will not think you were too cheap or desperate. It tells you to tell him to give you six months to pray, don't always pick his calls, behave as if you are not interested even though you are dying on the inside and truly loves the brother. This spirit is truly from your village people, the day it will release you is that day the brother would have agreed to marry another and you'll be the one to start calling him and his number will say.... Thank you for using Mtn. Lol

To cast out this spirit, just be real. If you love the brother and you perceive he's God's will for you, just accept the proposal and move on with your marriage.

*4. ..Proud spirit..*   That spirit that tells you to always run home after service so that no brother will talk to you, maybe he'll meet you in the dream. Before the brother would prepare what to say, you have gone home to study Malachi. That spirit that tells you that every brother that greets you has an evil intention so don't answer them. That spirit that doesn't allow you to greet brothers except those that's rides on geep and exotic cars. That spirit that tells you to be walking fast each time like something is pursuing you from the back.

Me I don't know how you can cast out this spirit o but I think humility and being moderate might help.

*5...Denominational/tribal spirit....*
I'm a Catholic and must marry a Catholic. Your villagers are really at work. I'm a deeper lifer and must marry one who's life is also deep. I'm a chosen and must marry from chosen because others were rejected . I'm an Anglican and must marry an Anglican even if God is leading me to do other wise. I'm from Hausa tribe and must marry from my tribe. I'm from Imo state and must not marry from abia.

This spirit has kept many bound, they entered menopause and are about to retire to village. To cast out this spirit of delay, understand that every believer is from one tribe called Christ. If God is leading you to another denomination kindly obey him but let it be God.
*Note: same Church/tribe sometimes makes it easier to cope/blend.*

*6. ...Dirtiness...*
That spirit that tells you not to dress well because you are going to heaven. It tells you to use tarpaulin to sew your dress, wear green skirt, yellow blouse and lemon head tie. When brothers sees you, their night mare will increase and they shall go for personal deliverance. You are a lady but dresses like a man, you don't brush your tongue, when you talk the heaven closes and the earth trembles.

This spirit can only be cast out by understanding that cleanliness is next to godliness. Dress well, don't under dress and don't over dress. Dress modestly, smell good it's not sin. Smell like a living being and not a dead being. Jesus appreciated the woman that broke the oil that smells good and truly he enjoyed the aroma so which Jesus did you actually accepted that abhors such?

It's well, this is for sisters, we shall come to brothers. Loading soon.


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