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Showing posts from April, 2017

As Christ's Soldiers 3

As Christ's Soldier 3 2 Timothy 2:5 And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully. Greetings beloved! Soldiers can be punished and also denied their rewards, only when they act unlawfully. There is a great reward awaiting Christ's soldiers and daily Christ's soldiers are being rewarded when the grace of God is not frustrated. As soldiers who want their reward, we must make do of God's grace in our life using it to fight against the flesh; not to flow with the flesh. As Christ's soldiers how do you fight? Do you fight against other soldiers of Christ or do you fight the flesh? Do you utilize God's grace in your life or sees it as a medium to swim in sin? That reward you long for will not come since you are breaking the oath. Like in the physical, God's Amnesty International is watching you. Don't kill the fish in the mold,just take them back to the river. Father God, help us to be your good soldiers, rea

As Christ's Soldiers 2

As Christ's Soldier 2 2 Timothy 2:4 No man that wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. Every successful soldier from is a soldier that was focused and never engaged in activities not in respect to the war he/she is fighting. Christians are soldiers of Jesus Christ, warring not a physical fight but a spiritual fight with spiritual weapons. As Christ's soldiers, we have to the fight, so must be focused and not to entangle ourselves with the affairs of this world. Know that your primary aim is to defend the integrity of the Gospel and fight against those that make the grace of God no effect in their lives. We must set our affection on things above and lay treasures in Heaven. A soldier don't live like civilians and hardly live outside the barracks. As Christ's soldiers live inside Christ's barrack (grace) and don't live like the civilians (but do the work of God). May Yahweh continu

As Christ's Soldier

As Christ's Soldier 2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Hello God's Images, our acceptance to follow and serve God enlisted us into His army automatically. We are to grow in God's grace and become a good soldier. This grace is available for growth but until we decide to grow, we won't grow. The above scripture advises us to endure the growing process, for it is part of our training. Yes! Hardness of different types will come, hitting you from every side but you have to hold on to the grace of God. In enduring the hardness we see and partake of makes us a good soldier of God whereby by our endurance we train the younger ones in faith. Paul endured and he was able to train Timothy and others. Jesus even told us that hardness will come to us and we should know that He was hit and went through training by enduring, John 15:18. No enduring, no victory. May God enable us to make do of His grace to grow becoming good sold

Liberative Settlement

Liberative Settlement Hosea 11:10-11 [10] I will not punish you any longer. This is even when I am angry ... This is because I am God and not a man. I am the Holy God and I am with you. I will not show you that I am angry. [11] I will make a loud sound like a lion ... and my children will come. They will follow me. My children will come from the west. They will be afraid when they come. God is not man. His love for you is beyond human's comprehension. Even when we offend God, out of His covenanted love He draws us back and empowers us. Yes God's love for us His children is so strong and His love is bring this liberative settlement but we should not abuse and make His love of no effect for us through our way of life that will bring captivity again. God has promised and He will do it perfectly. I prophecise that you will receive spiritual, physical- financial, social and academic; liberation and settlement. May Heaven manifest God's covenant of Liberative settlemen

Fear No Terror

Fear No Terror Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night. Psalm 91:5 What is this terror? It may be the cry of fire, or the noise of thieves, or fancied appearances, or the shriek of sudden sickness or death. We live in the world of death and sorrow, we may therefore look for ills as well in the night-watches as beneath the glare of the broiling sun. Nor should this alarm us, for be the terror what it may, the promise is that the believer shall not be afraid. Why should he? Let us put it more closely, why should we? God our Father is here, and will be here all through the lonely hours; he is an almighty Watcher, a sleepless Guardian, a faithful Friend. Nothing can happen without his direction, for even hell itself is under his control. Darkness is not dark to him. He has promised to be a wall of fire around his people and who can break through such a barrier? Worldlings may well be afraid, for they have an angry God above them, a guilty conscience within them, and a yawnin

Only Through Jesus

Only Through Jesus Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. Romans 8:37 We go to Christ for forgiveness, and then too often look to the law for power to fight our sins. Paul thus rebukes us, “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” Take your sins to Christ’s cross, for the old man can only be crucified there: we are crucified  with him . The only weapon to fight sin with is the spear which pierced the side of Jesus. To give an illustrationyou want to overcome an angry temper; how do you go to work? It is very possible you have never tried the right way of going to Jesus with it. How did I get salvation? I came to Jesus just as I was, and I trusted him to save me. I must kill my angry temper in the same way. I

In The Midst

In The Midst Lo, in the midst of the throne ... stood a Lamb as it had been slain.” Revelation 5:6 Why should our exalted Lord appear in his wounds in glory? The wounds of Jesus are his glories, his jewels, his sacred ornaments. To the eye of the believer, Jesus is passing fair because he is “white and ruddy:” white with innocence, and ruddy with his own blood. We see him as the lily of matchless purity, and as the rose crimsoned with his own gore. Christ is lovely upon Olivet and Tabor, and by the sea, but oh! there never was such a matchless Christ as he that did hang upon the cross. There we beheld all his beauties in perfection, all his attributes developed, all his love drawn out, all his character expressed. Beloved, the wounds of Jesus are far more fair in our eyes than all the splendour and pomp of kings. The thorny crown is more than an imperial diadem. It is true that he bears not now the sceptre of reed, but there was a glory in it that never flashed from sceptre of gold

Tossed For Growth

Tossed For Growth Mark 4:39 KJV [39] And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Beloved, to be tossed is to be disturbed by situations and circumstances. When we are on the way to growth, there's always tossing to complement and/or to hibernate the growth, Mark 6:45, Acts 27:18. There's growth in every tossing. Problems that we encounter are not met to take us away from God neither does it mean that God no more love us but it is a way to enforce and complement the growth ahead of us. When we are tossed, we should not see the waves and observe the wind but we should see God and remember His promises towards we are never alone, Isaiah 43:1-3, Heb 13:5. God is with you on that tossing and just like the three Hebrew boys, He will protect you from drowning. All these will be when you are tossed not for your evil acts and ways like Jonah, Jonah 1:10-17. Beloved I pray that God will continuall

Ye Are Royalty

Ye Are Royalty 1 Peter 2:9 KJV [9] But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light: Hallelujah!!! We are royalties made thought the Grace of God (Jesus Christ). We are no more in darkness but in the marvelous light of Jehovah. We can reflect this marvelous light that we are brought into when we show forth the praises of Jehovah through our verbal and non verbal characters. As royalties, we must show that we're royalties and not servants. Servants reflects not the kingdom's attributes only royalty do. Beloved, start living in accordance to your calling. Shine forth the light of God you are brought into. You're like a mirror that reflects when light is shone on it but not only clean surfaced mirror reflects greater like when light shines on it. I pray for a world revival on earth that all we all will show forth the praises

Come Back Restoration

Come Back Restoration Luke 15:22 [22] But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet God's Image, it is true that when we go out of God's will and presence, things get spoiled physically and spiritually. We are stripped off our royalty when we drain from God. Thank God from yesterday's sermon, many have come back to God. Notice what the father put on his son- a robe, ring and shoe; same has been put on all that are in the father's kingdom here on Earth and are true penitents. The robe does not only signify dignity and royalty but Christ's Righteousness, the ring signifies authority and wealth and also the seal of salvation and the shoe is a defense and the commissioning to propagate the Gospel. There is clothing and adorning in coming back to God in the physical and in the spiritual is salvation and dominion. Beloved, may the grace to be a true pertinent flow to all prodig

Come Back

Come Back Luke 15:17-18 [15] And when he came to himself, he said, ... [18] I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, Beloved, I bring to you Heaven's greetings. Many people are like the prodigal son who treaded our sonship for the things of no value. But the joy if his prodigality is that he didn't continue in it but he came back to attain sonship through a gradual process. The father restored him and gave him a warm welcome. God's image, in what area of life have you gone far from God? Have you sold your sonship for flimsy things? I assure you base on the scripture and grace of God that's available that if you can come back to God, there's restoration awaiting and available for you. Why continue in your prodigality? Arise from this day and come back to your father. Have you gone far from God in giving, service, praying, worship, evangelism and others? God is waiting for your return, COME

What Do You Speak?

What Do You Speak? Romans 9:1 [1] I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Ghost Apostle Paul was a preacher and defender of the Gospel as many of us are today. He preached and defended the Gospel pragmatically and truthfully. He never preached another Gospel and he totally frowned at another Gospel in his time and the future time. Beloved be you a minister or not, you as a Christian is a defender of the Gospel and a preacher too either directly or indirectly. Can you be said to be of Apostle Paul person who said the truth in Christ? He was able to always speak the truth because he has a living conscience and he reverentially fear the Lord. Today many people don't have a living conscience and despite as Christians and defenders of the Gospel, they don't fear the Lord. Beloved, make it your aim henceforth to always speak the truth whether on the altar or not. Beloved, don't be used to lies telling. Save your soul by speaking

Dead To or In?

Dead To or In? Romans 6:6, 12 [6] Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. [12] Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof. Grace has been release unto us to assist us in living a successful Christian life daily. This grace is not to make us sin but to live above sin, Romans 6:1; 8:10. To be dead in sin is to be a slave to sin, yielding your members to fulfill its lust. To be dead to sin is to be a master to sin whereby your members don't fulfill don't fulfill its lust. Beloved, which class do you fall into? Christ's death makes us masters to sin; living daily unto the spirit and not the flesh. SS & S 78 Once I was dead in sin, And hope within me died; But now I’m dead to sin With Christ I’m crucified. And can it be that “He loved me, And gave Himself for me“? I pray for as many dead in sin to become dead to

What Arose In You?

What Arose In You? Colossians 3:1 KJV [1] If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Hello Images of God! It is a pleasant and good thing the resurrection of Jesus was celebrated but the most paramount question to everyone is, What rose in you? The word or the world, flesh or spirit, self or Christ?? It is an error if after the celebration of Christ's resurrection you still please the flesh and follow after the world. Christ resurrection should make us come closer to God and farther from the world. Beloved, come out from the world, stop pleasing the gratification of your flesh, learn to do the Word and not the world and set your affection on things in Heaven (lay your treasures in Heaven). Beloved, start thinking properly and be awaken to doing right things! Don't do what is wrong! 1 Corinthians 15:34. I pray that humans on earth will continually do right things. May souls be reconciled back to G

You're Quicken!

You're Quicken! Ephesians 2:1 KJV [1] And you hath he quickened , who were dead in trespasses and sins; At this period of world celebration of Jesus Christ resurrection, it is very important to note that as Jesus was quicken so are we. But note that before quickening there must be death. Quicken is to give life back to somebody. So do you see that Christ's resurrection gave us life back  if and only if we subject ourselves to the death of the flesh and trespasses. As I degree, if you're dead to the flesh may Heaven shine its light on you. May any positive things that is dead in your life begin to come back to life. May your spiritual life experience divine quickening. May the lightening and thunder that rolled away the stone at Christ's tomb, roll away every stone that is obstructing your progress. As you're quicken, enjoy the newness of life in Jesus Christ and be celebrated. Beloved, don't go back to death as you have been graciously given life throug

His Death, Your Death to Sin?

His Death, Your Death to Sin? Colossians 2:13 [13] And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; As the celebration goes, today is the eve to Christ resurrection. He died to free us and to give us redemption and access to divinity but this can't be except we believe in Jesus and His resurrection. This believing isn't complete when we are still swimming and swinging in sin. Is Jesus Christ's death your death to sin? If no is the answer then we have to take a deep thought that we cause a positive change in us. Don't celebrate Christ's death in your iniquities. As He died, we have to die we Him but our death is not of the flesh physically but of the flesh emotionally. Let Jesus Christ reign in your bodies, Romans 6:12, and not sin. Remember, your body is God's, so as you celebrate Jesus Christ death, rededicate your body to God. Glorify God with your body. M

His Death My Restoration

His Death My Restoration Colossians 1:14 [14] In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: The fall of human in Eden made human to be placed less in dominion. After human fell, God drove them out of His habitation - a place of place, rest and pleasure, Gen. 3:23-24. Human has been in shortage of dominion until the coming and successful death of Jesus Christ. His death brought us redemption, not just taking us to the former habitation but to a more glorious and flourishing habitation which is only accessible by believing in Jesus Christ. The good news is that you and I has been redeemed and our sins had been forgiven. Beloved, let no voice accuse you. You have God's seal on you. His blood speaks for you. You're God's son by Divine Adoption via Faith. All you have to do is keep on believing and hold fast the faith you profess, Heb. 10:23. Beloved, if you haven't believed in Jesus Christ then you have to now. Not just believing in

His Resurrection, My Access

His Resurrection, My Access Ephesians 1:6-8 [7] In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; Human fell from the dominion given to us through the act of the first humans - Adam and Eve. Human tarried for restoration of dominion but it wasn't avail until the coming of Jesus Christ. He came and did not just restore dominion unto us but gave us divine and doubled dominion. Christ has given us access to partake of God's glory and nature. What is God's can now be Human's only when the human believes in Him. Beloved, the good news for you that have believed is that you have been restored in dominion, your sins had been forgiven, and you no more lack anything that is God's will for you because 'He has abound unto us'. Just like in Eden there was no restriction in God to Human relationship, so it is for anyone that believe in Christ's work. God is now your supplier and sustainer. Child of G

Living As A Living

Living As A Living John 15:5 KJV [5] I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. Not all living are living. So many people on earth are dead while living. A life without Christ isn't just crises but deadness. To be living is to be in Christ and to be in Christ is to believe in Christ, John 3:15&17. Bearing fruits is a product of a living life. Beloved, if you haven't believed in Jesus, you can't bear fruits which is a sign that you are living. If a living being can't bear fruits then he or she is dead. Remember that Jesus is the source of life and anything that come from Him is Living. Give no chance to the devil to make you a dead but alive being. Don't let the devil make you fruitless. The power and choice to be a Living Life is in your hands; you just have to BELIEVE and ABIDE in Jesus. As you believe and abide in Jesus, may your efforts produce fruit

Always Gather Up

Always Gather Up John 6:12 [12] When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost. God is not the God of waste. He is the God that support distribution, reservation and preservation. After the mega miracle, there were lots left over and I guess the people would have proposed something else but Christ moved for the leftover to be preserved for distribution to others and preservation for self after the distribution to others. Christ has taught us a lesson. As beneficiary of God's gracious blessings, we shouldn't waste His blessings upon us but we should be sources of distribution. Distribute God's blessings and don't waste it. Gather up the extra blessings and affect lives. Don't gather them for yourself but for others. Don't waste any blessing and let no blessing get lost. There are some that have nothing, gather up for them just as in the scripture Christ gathered for those that have not eaten.

Attend to Jesus

Attend to Jesus John 4:10 KJV [10] Jesus answered and said unto her, If thou knewest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thee, Give me to drink; thou wouldest have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. Beloved the God we serve owes everything. Everything was created by Him, through Him and for Him; John 1:3. Anything that God wants and desires, He takes no permission from anyone but for His creatures to be emancipated and blessed, He always ask His creatures for what He desires or want. The same way the woman from Samaria delayed to attend to Jesus, giving traditions as excuse so same way most people delay and deny attending to Christ. Revelation 3:20, beloved open up yourself for Jesus and attend to Him. He loves you and want to come inside of you. When you do so, divine peace even in this chaotic world will come to you just like the woman. When you attend to Him, He gives you Living substance. Give Him, He will give you Living Water and so on. S

Getting Profit 2

Getting Profit 2 1 Timothy 4:8 KJV [8] For bodily exercise profits little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. Beloved, yesterday we started this topic and saw that our Lord Jesus told us that it is the spirit that quickens and not the flesh. Today's scripture makes it clear again that bodily exercise profits a little but godliness (which entails spiritual exercise) profits unto all. Beloved which do you want; a little and limited profit or an eternal and unlimited profit? I guess the latter. Start exercising yourself unto godliness. 1 Timothy 4:15 tells us that giving ourselves to the words of God profits us. So beloved, let the word of God be in you. Be filled with the word of God. Eat the flesh and Drink the blood of Jesus. When godliness is done, unlimited profit that triggers unlimited fruitfulness is released and seen by all in the life of the godly. Strive not for the fleshy but for the s

Getting Profit

Getting Profit John 6:63 KJV [63] It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: ... This life is controlled not by the physical forces but by the spiritual forces. To get profit from the life we live, we must be subscribed to the spirit and not the flesh. No wonder Apostle Paul made us to understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood (physical) but the spiritual. Anything done in the flesh will only profit the flesh in this world and not beyond. But things done in the spirit will profit both physically and spiritually in this world and beyond. No wonder we were advised to always be filled with the spirit. Beloved, start doing thing in the spirit so that you'll get profit. Sow in the spirit, worship God in the spirit, pray in the spirit. Don't let your flesh and impulses detect your relationship and dealings with God. Let the spirit of God rule from your within to your without, then you'll get much more profit both in this world and in eter

Fruitfulness Yields Fruitfulness

Fruitfulness Yields Fruitfulness Colossians 1:10 ISV [10] So that you might live in a manner worthy of the Lord and be fully pleasing to him as you bear fruit while doing all kinds of good things and growing in the full knowledge of God. For one to manifest fruitfulness physically, then such a one must be fruitful spiritually. Growing in the full knowledge of God is a paramount key to being fruitful. Beloved, are you bearing fruits in good works? Are you fruitful in the vineyard of the Lord? Your fruitfulness physically is tied to your fruitfulness spiritually- doing good, living a Christ like life and growing in the knowledge of God. The Lord told us that fruitfulness is for us this month but to get this fruitfulness manifesting physically then you have to be fruitful spiritually. The Lord through revelation since this month has given us the secret to unlimited fruitfulness, make do of the secrets. I pray that God's word will build us and make us fruitful. That our fruitf

Continue In Good!

Continue In Good! Titus 3:14 [14] And let ours also learn to maintain good works for necessary uses, that they be not unfruitful. Continuity is the source of life and goodness. In the absence of continuity life is gone and stagnancy is not avoidable. Continuing is maintaining and maintaining avoids spoilage and damages. Today's scripture advises us to maintain the good work we have so that the good work already done won't be spoilt. Maintaining produces fruitfulness. Notably, a miner that discontinued his mining of a 1000 metres depth gold at 750 metres will not get the gold. Beloved, you might be thinking that you good hasn't made you fruitful yet hence you wanna stop. Wait, that isn't true! You have been fruitful in showers but the rain of fruitfulness is coming if only you don't quit. Remember as winners don't quit, so also those that are fruitful don't abandon and discontinue their good works. Read Galatians 6:9, Hebrews 6:10. Beloved, rain of

Anti Fruitfulness

Anti Fruitfulness Psalm 107:34 KJV 34] A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein. God is a God that changes situations at anytime depending on the human concern. If someone is wicked, such experiences negativities but immediately such turns to godliness, positivities changes negativities and vice versa. Fruitfulness is gotten from making God first in our lives and living a life sacrificed unto God. This activates the covenant of fruitfulness. This covenant can be broken; not by God but by Human. How? Today's scripture tells us that wickedness is an anti fruitfulness phenomenon in any hunan's life. In fact, it turns fruitfulness into barrenness. How can one be wicked? Simply put, wickedness is the act of a believer betraying God. Genesis 6:1-5. Also, when the heart of anyone thinks evil and carries out such evil such is wickedness. Beloved in what ways have you been wicked? Wickedness will destroy your fruitfulness. Please don't

Divine Respect

Divine Respect 1 Samuel 2:30 ... the Lord saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed. God is a just God. He can never behave like humans in the aspect of respect. Those that respect Him by giving Him the first place always get blessings which fruitfulness is not excluded. Esau put God first place and God accepted him and so much exalted him. Look again Abraham, he put God first and fruitfulness was his. So many others that put God first and honoured Him were blessed. Now someone maybe asking, how can I honour God? You honour God with yourself and your belongings. Presenting yourself as a living sacrifice, and putting seeking God first and above every others. As said earlier in previous articles, the surest way to fruitfulness is by obtaining Heaven's respect. Hannah obtained Heaven's respect then she was favoured and became mother of children. Beloved, make it your aim to your life to obtain Heave

The Vine and You

The Vine and You John 15:4 [4] Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. Fruitfulness is an indication of life. Where there's no fruitfulness then deadness is seen. For a branch to be fruitful it must have life and this life is from no other source than the tree (vine). Jesus is the Vine of this Earth! Life and living without Him is fruitlessness and deadness. Jesus clearly stated it here, that we can't bear fruits without him. No strategy or strategies that will make us bear fruits. Remember all things are placed under Jesus, so being in Him gives us access to assess the fruits under Him thereby we become fruitful. Beloved, I guess you now understand, that those religious and spiritual activities will help you but a little. What helps more is to be in Jesus, to live a sacrificed life unto God and to be respected by Heaven's. You need fruits? Then be in Christ and live f

Fruitfulness by Sacrifice

Fruitfulness by Sacrifice Romans 12:1 KJV [1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. So many people want fruitfulness. They sow seed, fast, pray and do lots of spiritual and religious activities but all they have a seasonal fruitfulness. The fruitfulness God wants to give you is not a seasonal fruitfulness but a fruitfulness that abounds unlimitedly. This fruitfulness can only come when we have sacrificed ourselves by living alive that is separated unto God. Joseph is an example to us. He lived a live that was separated unto God. Another is Daniel and the three Hebrew boys. They sacrificed their life for God. What they would've love to participate in because of God they didn't. All that lived a sacrificed life unto God were fruitfulness and they dominated even in a strange land. Beloved, sacrifice yourself unto God so that you'll have frui

When Heaven Respects

When Heaven Respects Leviticus 26:9 KJV [9] For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you. To some people, God don't respect people but this is not truth. Human can command Heaven's respect upon himself or herself. It is only when Heaven respects a human that unlimited and unending fruitfulness is experienced. The Windows of Heaven will remain close over a human until the Heavens respect such a human. The easiest way to the fruitfulness God has promised us this month is to first gain Heaven's respect. We will analyse Heaven's respect and fruitfulness for some days in this month. Our verse about made us to understand that fruitfulness will come only when Heaven has respected such a one. Beloved to gain Heaven's respect is simple and here is the link, 1 Samuel 2:30. Do you honour God? Honour starts from the person and not his/her properties. Are you presenting yourself as a living sacrifice? Romans

Month of Fruitfulness

Month of Fruitfulness Exodus 1:7 [7] And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them. Leviticus 26:9. As I directed by the spiritual, I declare this month as the month of fruitfulness. Celebrate yourself!!! Someone might be saying, I have heard month of fruitfulness several things and nothing changed in my life. Yes! But I am here to tell you that this fruitfulness is not just like others you did. This is fruitfulness plus respect. Until Heavens have respect upon a human, he will continue to enjoy scanty and discontinuous fruitfulness. The only Israelites became unlimitedly fruitful and covered the real owner of the land they lived on. I degree that the grace that was on the Israelites that made Heaven to respect them whereby they were increased will flow into your life. You will increase beyond your imagination. You will overtake all that were there before you. Let God esteem