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Showing posts from January, 2018

What Believing Can Do

What Believing Can Do Daniel 6:23 – Then was the king exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God. There is great power in believing that what can’t be achieved physically can become achievable through the power of believing. To believe is to trust in, to have faith in, to rely on and to be confident of somebody or something. Believing is powerful but believing right [that is, believing in the right manner and believing the right person] is more powerful. You can’t compare someone that believes in God and someone that believes in gods; the believer in God will always outsmart the others that believe in gods or in mortality. From the above scripture, we discover that Daniel was not touched by the lions because of his believe in the Creator and the Creator instructed his creatures to touch not His Son. Believing in God makes us His S

Start Living Your Study 2

Start Living Your Study 2 Ezra 7:10 – Ezra has committed himself to studying the revelations of God, to living it and to teaching Israel to live its truths and ways. There is great importance to living the word of God. It is when the word of God is lived by Christians that its impact is felt by fellow humans. If the word of God is not lived then people of the world will not be affected physically by the word of God. Jesus told His disciples that if they live the word of God [which they have learnt from observation and readings] then the world will know that they are His disciples – John 13:5. Beloved, when the word of God is lived, their so numerous benefits as highlighted below: Living the word of God makes people to know who you really are – John 13:5 Living the word of God brings people faster to God – Acts 11:29-30 Living the word of God makes the power in the word of God to be felt easily and quickly – Acts 2:43, Acts 4:34, Acts 5:12 Living the word of God makes you str

Start Living Your Study 1

Start Living Your Study 1 Colossians 2:7 –You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving. [MSG] We are followers of Christ and we have faith in Him. Some of us are new in Christ while others aren’t. Some were not born into Christian home while others were privileged to be born into Christian homes. Whatever may be the situation, our faith now in Christ makes us Christians. As a Christian, we have learnt [and we are still learning] many things from the scripture via the tutelage of the Holy Spirit and our dedication to studying the word of God. Studying and learning is very good but we have been charged to live what we have learnt and what we are learning. The early Christians make a massive saving of human souls not because they we just studying alone but they lived their

You’re Above All!

You’re Above All! John 3:31 – He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. Hello beloved, celebrate yourself! By virtue of your faith in God you are from above and that means that you are above all. You are above all the evils and wickedness of human. You are above the principalities and powers of this world. Remember Ephesians 1:21 and Philippians 2:9-10, the same God that gave Jesus name above every other name and place Him above all principalities and powers is the same God and He will place you above all the evils in this world if you believe in Him. To be above, you have to have faith in God. You have to believe in Jesus. It is your faith in Jesus that makes you to be from above. Therefore, do you have faith in Jesus? How is your walk with Jesus? Grace to be above all is available only in Jesus [remember He is the head of all principalities and powers both in this world and the yo

Prayers For Your Salvation

Prayers For Your Salvation Below are the recap of prayers that were made during the first week of 2018 Fasting and Prayers (21st – 27th January, 2018). You can get all the Biblical scriptures and more details using the hash tag #swomintl especially on facebook. 1. Pray for God's mercy upon individuals, fathers, foundation and nations. [Psalm 51:1-19 and Daniel 9:3-19] 2. Pray for your salvation. 3. Pray for spiritual strength to continue the race. 4. Pray for the salvation of the souls of human on earth. 5. Pray for grace and power to flee from all manner of sin. [Colossians 3:2, Colossians 2:7, 2 Timothy 2:22 and Hebrew 12:1] 6. Pray for your spiritual growth. 7. Pray against anything that will make you dump Jesus. 8. Pray against "sitting on the fence" or lukewarmness. 9. Pray against being deceived in this endtime/falling into temptation. 10. Pray for more knowledge of Jesus and God. [Luke 9:62, Luke 5:36-37, Revelation 3:

Let Manipulator Be Far, O Lord!

Let Manipulator Be Far, O Lord! Judges 16:15-20 – That he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon mine head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man. [Verse 17] People can be manipulated to do what they never wanted to do. The above scriptures make us to understand that Samson was manipulated and this manipulation led to his suffering and death. When it comes to being manipulated, it doesn’t count if you are strong physically or not. It only takes the grace of God and your wisdom not to be manipulated. Everyone on earth is can be manipulated, of course even some angels were manipulated – Revelations 12:9, Genesis 6:2. The young prophet from Bethel was manipulated [1 Kings 13:11-24], the prodigal son must have been manipulated too [Luke 15:11-14] also King David [2 Samuel 11:2-5]. To avoid manipulation, we have been scriptural

Have You Forgotten God?

Have You Forgotten God? Jeremiah 2:32 – Can a virgin forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? Yet my people have forgotten me days without number. Can you forget who you love? Can a youth forget to make up and look nice? Can a bride forget her bridal gown or groom forgets his suit for wedding? The answer to all the questions is NO! But haven’t you forgotten God? We are charged to today by the Lord, that we have forgotten Him, that we have left our first love and that we have deserted Him. Are you indicted by the Lord’s declaration and charge this day? Beloved, just as it is impossible for someone to be awake, hale and hearty to say he has forgotten to eat because of the affairs of life; so it should be impossible for us to forget the God that created us and constantly watching over us! In many ways people has forgotten God such as idolatry [physical and spiritual], not showing love, trust in falsehood (Jeremiah 13:25, Hosea 8:14) and others. There is a great danger in forgettin

There's No Better Alternative

There Is No Better Alternative Jeremiah 2:36 – Why dost thou go about so much to change thy way? thou also shalt be ashamed of Egypt, as thou was ashamed of Assyria. It is so funny for people to think that there is a better alternative when it comes to relating to God. Human and God relationship is still the best; not even Human and Satan relationship can be better than the former talk less of Human and Human. There is a way God want us to walk in. He will never force us to walk in the way as He has always been the God that doesn’t compel his children [Deuteronomy 30:19, Joshua 24:15], but He will always tell you the dangers of not choosing Him. There is always an alternative but there is no better alternative!!! From the above scripture, the children of God thought that Egypt is a better alternative to Assyria but they failed to know that human can disappoint; only God can not disappoint! Beloved, all ways that is not the way of God will lead to shame and disappointment. To avoid

Value Your Liberty!

Value Your Liberty! Galatians 5:1 – Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. It is good news that anyone that is in Christ is freed [freedom from the laws and its effects]. As Christians, we became free by believing on Jesus Christ, therefore the powers that bound others that in the world [that are yet to believe in Jesus Christ] are not effective on us. Because of this Spiritual liberty that is given to us through Christ, our life is far above the life of those that are not Christ’s. This liberty is not the liberty that makes a human go into negativity and excesses. This liberty is given to profit us; that we will promote and make Christ known the more. This liberty makes no one to continually indulge in sin and still confess that ‘It doesn’t matter as I am a Christian’. This liberty doesn’t call for abuse! Galatians 2:21, Romans 6:18. Beloved, value your liberty in Jesus by not entangling yourself

Avoiding God’s Cutting Off

Avoiding God’s Cutting Off Zephaniah 3:6-8 – I said, "Just fear me. Receive correction, so that her dwelling won't be cut off, according to all that I have appointed concerning her." But they rose early and corrupted all their doings. [Verse 7] I greet you all with the grace of God. God is a very merciful God and He can still be so fierce in anger to cut off whosoever or whatsoever. Some thinks that because God is so merciful, He can’t kill a fly! Yes, our God – Jehovah, Yahweh etc; is so merciful but the truth remains that He destroys the rebellious especially the purposeful rebellious. Remember, our God is a Jealous God. Here, God is through His prophet tell us how to enjoy His love and escape His fierce anger. It is left to us to make the choice. God so much wish that we will make the right choice because He wish that no soul to perish but all should come to the knowledge of Him. He loves sinners [that are ready to change and follow Him] but hates sin 100%. Beloved,

God is Mindful of You!

God is Mindful of You! Psalm 115: 12 – The LORD hath been mindful of us: he will bless us; he will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron. Hallelujah! Glory!! Is it not a good thing to know that God thinks of you? God is mindful of you and He cherishes you. Every moment, God is mindful of you and no times in this world that He is not mindful of you. To be mindful of someone is to deliberately and purposely keep something or somebody in mind. This means that God is always aware of your wants, needs, situations and conditions. And because He is always mindful of you, those needs of yours will be attended to divinely. The truth is despite God is mindful of us, we have to come closer to Him. We have to make the decision to come closer to Him. Is just like when you are mindful of somebody and the person is not giving you the desired attention, you won’t stop being mindful of the person, rather you will wait for the person to come closer. Luke 15:20. Arise beloved an

I Am Exempted!

I Am Exempted! Exodus 9:26 – Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail. As a believer of God and as a beloved of God, you are exempted from the hails and problems of this world. Do you know why you are exempted? You are in the spiritual Goshen. You are in the presence of God and you know for sure that nothing evil can befall you as long as you in God’s presence – Psalm 91:1. The Israelites that were in Goshen and those that adhere to the instructions of God through Moses were not destroyed by the terror and pains that fell on Egypt. This is the route of escape- adhering to the instructions of God. Beloved, this pain, affliction and sorrow in the world will not come upon you because you are in God’s presence via the obedience of His instructions. In Goshen, only God Almighty was served hence the owner of the earth and all on it [God], kept them save while others that didn’t serve Him were destroyed. Celebrating uplifting when there is casting d

Who You Are Like!

Who You Are Like! Psalm 115:8 – Those who make them are like them; so are all who trust in them. 1 John 4:17b – … because as he is, so are we in this world. Everyone is like a something or someone. What you call and made as your god is who you are like. You are like you god [supernatural being, an image or figure]. So the question is who is your god? Is your god the Supreme and Almighty God or the works of human or an human? Whatever you call God is your spiritual father and as it is physically that the child carries the genes of his father so it is spiritually. A child always look like his or her father, so if the works of human or any human is your God then you are as lifeless and helpless as the idol or as the human you call your god [see Psalm 115:4-7]. If you are a faithful of God, then congratulations! You are like Jehovah God. John made us to understand through the spirit of God in him that as Jesus is in Heaven so are we in this world. Shout Hallelujah! Say to yourself

O Lord, Discipline Us

O Lord, Discipline Us Ezekiel 22:23-31 – Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken. The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. We are all indicted from this scripture, the Princes [our Leaders], the prophets [our Clergies] and the People [all others that are not Princes or Prophets]. We need to pray for mercy and ask God to discipline us. Let us pray: Thank God for His love and mercies, and for not allowing us to be destroyed in our evil. Tell God that you are ready to amend your ways. Ask God to create in you a new heart that will serve him as He want and not as you want. Ask God for the spirit of Love so that you won’t do th

O Lord! Keep My Keeper

O Lord! Keep My Keeper Ezekiel 34:23 – And have raised up over them one keeper, And he hath fed them--my servant David, He doth feed them, and he is their keeper, As flock of God, He has given us safety and none can make us his or her prey. God has distinguished us from others. This is a huge benefit from being the Lord’s Flock [verse 22], but there is something very needful; A KEEPER that is from God! Keepers are more than helpers. Helpers function more in meeting the physical needs of a person but a keeper function in meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of someone. Everyone on earth needs a keeper that is from God and God has promised to raise keeper for you and I. Jeremiah 3:15, Jeremiah 23:4. The benefits of having a keeper [Shepard] are so numerous. Fear, hunger, foolishness and others are all eradicated via the presence of a keeper. Joseph was a keeper to his brethren and the Israel nation, Samson was a keeper, Esther was a keeper and lots more. Everyone that God ha

Who Is Your Prophet?

Who Is Your Prophet? Deuteronomy 18:18 – A prophet will I raise up unto them from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. Prophets here and prophets there, everyone is running after prophets for prophecies and miracles but no one care to know who sent and raised the prophet and none cares if the prophet speaks of his own or from God. I am not after prophets but I am speaking to all inhabitants on the earth that they should know the origin of who they adore and follow as their prophet. Why? There are many false prophets on earth in fulfillment of Bible’s prophecies and without knowing a prophet’s source, one will be deceived and maybe destroyed. God raise up prophets and He put words in their mouth. So before you run after anyone as your prophet do a spiritual search and answer the questions; ‘Was the prophet raised by God?’ ‘Are the words of the Prophet God’s words?’ Please be spiritually wi

Will Jesus Come Back?

Will Jesus Come Back? Acts 1:11 – Which also said, ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. There are so many on earth and even those in the church as Christians (or better called church goers) don’t believe in the coming back (second coming) of Jesus Christ. The above scripture is very clear and not in parables like those in the gospel books [Matthew, Mark, Luke and John]. Beloved child of God! Jesus Christ is coming back again. He is coming to harvest the earth [and in every harvest, the good are taken but the bad are destroyed or left to be destroyed]. Don’t yield to the deceivers of this time that propagate the non-returning of Jesus. The answer is YES, He [Jesus Christ] is coming back and He is coming back as he when [He ascended into Heaven and when He is coming back, He will descend from Heaven] – 1 Thessalonians 4:16. How prepared are you?

Do Your Search

Do Your Search Acts 17:11 – These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. While in college and high school, you will agree with me that after you are taught by your instructor, you carried out some search to attain the truth and to know more. This we all did for a degree and knowledge that is corruptible, aren’t we supposed to do more for a knowledge that incorruptible and that will lead to our salvation? It is advisable that we should always search the scriptures even if it is the most revered religious leader or person that just spoken from the scripture. To stay deceivable then don’t study or search the scriptures but remember many even the agents of darkness can preach and quote the scriptures but they do this by tailoring the scripture to suite their purpose, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, 2 Corinthian 11:14-15. Beloved study your bible frequently, 2 Timoth

Don’t Be A Wonder Freak

Don’t Be A Wonder Freak Revelation 13:13-14 – And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. It is a pity that today’s world is full of wonders that are mostly ungodly and the excruciating side of it is that the inhabitants of the earth are wonders freak – they run after and seek for wonders; which is God’s mindset for his children. Are the children of God supposed to run after wonder and miracles? The disciples of Jesus and other before and after them in the Bible never in any way ran after miracles. Being a child of God has enlisted you as a wonder worker if you do the required. [Click Here and Here to see the details]. Don’t you know that you are for signs and wonder

Becoming A Wonder Doer

Becoming A Wonder Doer Acts 6:8 – And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. There many people that desire to be doers or workers of wonders [that wonder that are from God only not from other fake sources] but they don’t know how to go about it. The prerequisite for wonders which was discussed on the 7 th day of this month [ See Details Here ] is the prerequisite to wonder (the essential to doing godly wonders). Sanctification is the bedrock to becoming a wonder doer. Today, we are looking at Faith and Power. These two are given by the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer and the Holy Spirit is given to those that sanctify themselves. Beloved, you can be a wonder worker like Stephen, all it takes is to get the Holy Spirit [and the good thing is that as a believer and a regenerated Christian, the spirit of God resides in you]. The chosen one of God, build up your life and you will become a wonder doer, 2 Timothy 2:21. God can use y

What You Are Meant For!

What You Are Meant For! Isaiah 8:18 – Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion. When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. Same goes with humans; when a human is ignorant, he or she remains useless and in captivity. What do you think you are meant for? Are you thinking that as a child of God you are like the heathen? No!!! God has graciously given us His nature, glory and power as His children, hence as God can’t be mocked so you and I can’t be, remember as He is so are we in this world – 1 John 4:17. The signs and wonders you are meant for are those that will make you a positive record breaker and a world shocker. The above scripture should sink into our heads that we as children of God by grace, we are for signs and wonders. Don’t confess negative with your mouth. Beloved, you are never a mistake. Note that you are in God’s agenda and He is not done with y

Don’t Be Like Them

Don’t Be Like Them Psalm 96:3 – Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red sea. Histories are documented for the avoidance of same mistake. God is a merciful God that does wonders far beyond the understanding of human but His merciful nature doesn't mean He does not get angry. Our fathers [biblical patriarch and matriarch] provoked God despite the wonders He did for them. How did they provoke God? They murmur against Moses and against God. They regarded not the operations of God’s hands. Their minds were filled and chocked with the thought and desires of Egypt [the world]. Exodus 14:11. Beloved, there are wonders that God did for your life and that of your families and friends, please don’t provoke God by not remembering His mercies towards your life. Your life is a wonder of God and not your wisdom nor strategies. Don’t let your heart be chocked with the desires of this worl

Manifest Thy Might Again

Manifest Thy Might Again Psalm 77:14-15 – Thou art the God who workest wonders, who hast manifested thy might among the peoples. Thou hast with thine arm redeemed thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. Selah. The issue with most Christian is that they fail to know or that they didn’t know that the Jehovah whom they serve is the only ALMIGHTY and WONDER WORKER. There is none that can dictates for God. The might of God was known across bounders because of His wondrous deed for the Israelites, the same God will do it for you. When God’s might is manifested, the captives are set free and they rejoice. I pray that destruction and doom will come upon whatever that is holding you back from rejoicing. God will redeem you from every ill. Christ came for your redemption and freedom, Isaiah 61:1-3, 1 John 3:8. So Jehovah God is interest in seeing you free and joyous. That garment of mourning in your life will be replaced with the oil of gladness. Just continue in God and don’t doubt w

Remember, Meditate and Talk

Remember, Meditate and Talk Psalm 77:11-12 – I will remember the works of the LORD: surely I will remember thy wonders of old. I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings. Life is like the keyboard which has the white and black keys. The white keys signify the happy and joyous moments while the black keys signify the sad and gloomy moments. Today’s sermon is giving us the key to staying alive despite the happenings of life. Three keys are given us, REMEMBER, MEDITATE and TALK. What should you as a Christian remember, meditate and talk? It is the WONDERS of Jehovah and nothing else. Those miraculous deeds that God did for you and those deeds that you have read of and heard about are what you are to remember, meditate and talk. Why should you do these? Remembering the wonders of God gives you hope, meditating on the wonders that you have remembered builds your faith and talking of the wonders of God make you build others’ faith and as well witnessing for God. You are

Lord, Get Me A Name!

Lord, Get Me A Name! Nehemiah 9:10 – And shewedst signs and wonders upon Pharaoh, and on all his servants, and on all the people of his land: for thou knewest that they dealt proudly against them. So didst thou get thee a name, as it is this day. Greeting beloved of God; it is no more a new or a story on how the Lord God of Heaven gave the Israelites an uncommon victory against Pharaoh and those that made themselves like a god before God Almighty. The wonders of the Lord for His people gave them a name that stands till the end of the world. The same God will do it for you! Everyone that prides himself or herself against the will of God for your life will be dealt by the Lord. God will make those that are proud of their powers and others against you to be under you. By wonders God will give you a new name among your enemies. God will do what will put your enemies in perpetual bondage. They will endlessly fear and respect you. From this day, those that enslaved your spiritually will b

Never Sweetness To Bitterness

Prayers – Week 2 (Never Sweetness To Bitterness) Ruth 1:20-21 – And she said to them, Do not let my name be Naomi, but Mara, for the Ruler of all has given me a bitter fate. I went out full, and the Lord has sent me back again with nothing; why do you give me the name Naomi, seeing that the Lord has given witness against me, and the Ruler of all has sent sorrow on me? Thank God for this new week, thank Him for the previous week. Lift this week into God’s hands. Pray for it to be a week of more peace, good health and new hopes. Ask the Lord to satisfy you early in this week. Pray ask eating the bread of sorrow. Tell Jehovah to direct and order your steps this week. Tell Him to keep you in His way. Pray that only the Spirit of Yahweh will control you and nothing else. Decree that you will not leave your place of divine placement.  Pray against going out full only to come back empty. Pray against bitterness. Decree that your name will not lose its meaning from good to bad. Pr

In All Times

In All Times 1 Chronicles 16:11-12 – Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth; In this life, there are sometimes when problems and difficulties will arise and when all hope seems to be lost; also there are times when things are smooth and enjoyable. In all times the only way to survive and remain on top is to seek God, remembering all that He has done for you in the previous times. Why should one remember what the Lord has done? Remembering what the Lord has done revives ones faith and makes him or her to stand in the mist of storm. God has not changed, He will do those wonders and signs again. The Lord has given us free access to seek Him anytime and when we seek the Lord we have life and strength. God is the giver of all things. He owns the universe and all that is in it, He is the giver of life. This and many more are the reasons why we need to seek the Lord continua

Prerequisite For Wonders

Prerequisite For Wonders Joshua 3:5 – And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you. Good day Christ’s Ambassadors. I had earlier told us in one of the sermons this year [ See Here , second paragraph] that MULTIPLY WONDERS is of two. The wonders for the destruction of our enemies that are opposing God’s will and the wonders for our salvation and upliftment. Which of these has a prerequisite of sanctification? Everyone that wants to behold the wonders of God has to sanctify himself or herself. Psalm 24:3-4 has already made us understand that if we want to benefit by having God’s presence always with us, we have to sanctify ourselves. Beloved, always sanctify yourself [not standing on your own righteousness but on the righteousness of Jesus] and walk in the Spirit. Today and this week, God will give you multiply wonders. As you begin a new week and a new working day, Jehovah will do wonders in your life. All you need to do is

Deliverance By Wonders

Deliverance By Wonders Deuteronomy 26:8 – And the LORD brought us forth out of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an outstretched arm, and with great terribleness, and with signs, and with wonders: God is still the I AM THAT I AM. He doesn’t love to see His children suffer, once they call upon Him, He swiftly moves to deliver the oppressed. Psalm 50:15, Jeremiah 29:12, Hebrews 13:5, 1 John 3:8b, Isaiah 61:1,3, Luke 4:18. Whatever thing you are passing through, I encourage you to call on God and God will deliver you with great signs and wonders. God will bring you forth from everyone that has constituted himself or herself as an ‘Egypt’. Don’t worry beloved, just continually look unto the Lord and eschew evil. I prophesize into your life in the magnitude of the above scripture that in this day, this month and this year, you will experience the mighty hands of God. God will bring you out from every ‘Egypt’ and captivity. No more will you remain as a slave. Every spiritual slavery is d

Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t Be Afraid Deuteronomy 7:18-19 – Thou shalt not be afraid of them: but shalt well remember what the LORD thy God did unto Pharaoh, and unto all Egypt; The great temptations which thine eyes saw, and the signs, and the wonders, and the mighty hand, and the stretched out arm, whereby the LORD thy God brought thee out: so shall the LORD thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid. There are people that are physical stronger than you and they might bring fear to your life but should you be afraid of them? You are a spiritual being and there is no way the physical can defeat the spiritual. God has told you that you should not be afraid of anyone. He has promised that those whom you are afraid of will be dealt by Him. He has said to you this day that no person who you are afraid of will overcome you. He that brought out His children from Egypt and delivered them from Pharaoh with great signs and wonders is still the same God and He will deliver you. I pray for you an

The God You Serve

The God You Serve Exodus 15:11 – Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? Jehovah is like other gods that are capable of doing nothing. He is not like the graven images and the man-made gods. He is Jehovah, the almighty God to whom there is none before or after Him. The issue with some Christians is that they don’t know the God they serve. They don’t know that He can do anything and create something from formlessness or void. They thought that the God in the Bible that performs those great sign and wonders for the Israelite is not the same God, No! Jehovah has never changed and will not change; Hebrews 13:8. The God you serve is the wonders doing God, He is the glorious God, He is the feared God and He is the holy God. As you serve this awesome God, your life will be evidence of signs and wonders. Every day of your life, may you manifest divine wonders. The wondrous God that never changes will emanc

Multiply Them, O Lord!

Multiply Them, O Lord! Exodus 7:3-4 – And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt. But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments. There are some people that will not yield to the initial sings of God. They are adamant to God’s will and won’t listen on the first instance. Some others have been hardened by the Lord Himself. Whatever may be the reason why they refuse to let you be who God want you to be, I don’t care to know but what I know is that what God has said concerning you must manifest if and only if you don’t stop yourself. Note that when we say MULTIPLE WONDERS it means two things. Firstly, God showing your enemies multiple wonders that will make them to hastily let you be [and destroy them when they prove stubborn]. Secondly, God showing your multiple wonders that will elevate you abov

Do The Wonders!

Do The Wonders! Exodus 4:21 – And the Lord said to Moses, When you go back to Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the wonders which I have given you power to do: but I will make his heart hard and he will not let the people go. Good day beloved of God. I am happy to inform you that there are some wonders that the Lord has package your life with. He has endowed you with these wonders that His name will be glorified. These wonders maybe your gifts and talents. It may also be your decisions and advice divinely taken and given to others respectively. Today, as you go back to your office, business and others; don’t be afraid to take some drastic steps according to God’s will. The Spirit of the Lord God is in you and His spirit in you performs wonders, hence don’t chicken yourself but be bold and do the wonders. Even when things are not working out, do the wonders that God has placed in you via His Spirit. That dream, vision, insight, idea, talent and gift that God gave you, don

2018 Phase 1 Prayer Notification

Exodus 15:1-21 – Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? [Verse 11] Glorify God for all that He has done. For the year 2017 and for all that was done for you and your loved ones. Thank God salvation, for the gift of His Son to you. Thank God for bringing you out of darkness to His marvellous light. Thank God for your family, province [state], country and the world. Thank God for Christianity. Ask God for the doings and manifestation of His will in your life and on earth. Ask God for His constant presence in 2018. Ask God for the Strength to serve Him and to grow more spiritually. Ask God for a massive growth and spreading of His Name and His word on earth. Ask God for salvation to the unsaved. That those in the world will be converted, saved and become God’s instruments. Ask God for liberation to those persecuted for the Gospel. Decree more manifestation of God’s peace on earth. Handover yo

Jehovah! Stretch Out Your Hand!

Jehovah! Stretch Out Your Hand! Exodus 3:20 – And I will stretch out my hand, and smite Egypt with all my wonders which I will do in the midst thereof: and after that he will let you go. The above scripture is the first time in the scripture that the word “WONDERS” is mentioned and this was recorded in a judgmental form against the enemies of God’s children. Today being the first day in 2018, Jehovah will stretch His has hand against every troubler of your life. God will smite all your captors with His wonders this year. Beloved, this year is not like last year oh! We are starting this year with a judgment. Those that are holding you captive that don’t want you to manifest here on earth in accordance to the will and purpose of God must be smite by the Lord. They must let you go. 2016 was for TOTAL INCREASE & PERFECT REST [ Details Here ] and 2017 was for STEADY SPEED! NO DELAY!! DIVINE FAVOUR!!! [ Details Here ] but this year, 2018 is MULTIPLE WONDERS [ Details Here ]. Those

2018 – Multiple Wonders

2018 – Multiple Wonders Job 9:10 Who doeth great things past finding out, and wonders without number. (DBY) Who does great things beyond understanding, and marvelous things without number. (RSV) Glory be unto Jehovah for His mercies and unfailing Love. Hallelujah to Jehovah! This year has been themed the year of MULTIPLE WONDERS by the Lord long time ago before the last month of 2017. God is a God of wonders. He does wonders to His children that they will be liberated and have peace. He did wonders in Egypt and the Israelites came out with a great blessings. At the feast in Cana when the wine was finished, He did wonders and water was turned wine for His name to be glorified and for His children not to be in shame and disgrace. God's wonders are uncomprehending. How was money kept inside a fish? How did manna fall from Heaven? How was the blind healed with sand and saliva? How did the captivity of Zion leave them? God’s acts are marvellous and no one can understand th