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Leaders, Beware of this!!!

  Proverbs 16:12 - It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness. Some people thinks that leaders (in different categories especially public leaders such as kings, presidents, vice president, governors and so on) are free to do anything. Here there is a harsh warning to all leaders that on what not to do. If leaders don’t take heed to this warning, it affects the led. While we saw yesterday that righteousness makes the throne established, via the taking away of the wicked from the leader. That is, wickedness can never make the throne established. Leaders, please don’t do wickedness. It is an abomination for you to do wickedness. Even if the wicked are before the throne, don’t do wickedness. Doing wickedness will destroy the throne and the people. Don’t feel you that does wickedness is exempted, remember Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh and others. Beware and do righteousness! Shalom.
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Establishing the Throne

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