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Showing posts from February, 2018

All You Need Do!

All You Need Do! 2 Chronicles 20:17 – There will be no need for you to take up arms in this fight; put yourselves in position, and keep where you are, and you will see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: have no fear and do not be troubled: go out against them tomorrow, for the Lord is with you Life is a battle field and living is a battle. There is also survival of the fittest when it comes to life battles. The fittest here is not the physical fitness but the spiritual fitness. Whether you agree or not, battles are fought constantly in the spirit realm and the results of the spiritual battle is seen physically. That is why the bible made us to understand that we battle not against flesh and blood, Ephesians 6:12. So the battles we fight need no physical weapons but some spiritual weapons. Jehoshaphat in the above scripture told the Israelite that the Lord God of Heaven is with them and as a result victory is theirs. Now if I may ask, “Who is with you?” Is it God

Accessing Divine Support

Accessing Divine Support Psalms 18:18-24 – They came on me in the day of my trouble; but the Lord was my support. He took me out into a wide place; he was my saviour because he had delight in me. The Lord gives me the reward of my righteousness, because my hands are clean before him. [Verses 18-20] Do you want divine support? If yes, then there is a task to do and a price to pay. Divine support is what makes people to perish in a certain condition but some will escape. Divine support is what makes people to fail in some adventure why the others will succeed. My brethren, to have this divine support in your life then you should be ready to do what David did. Because David’s hands were clean and he was a lover of God, God took delight in Him and he had divine support. Beloved, you see that divine support starts from having your hands clean and being a delighted of God. This is the only way to access divine support. All those that were supported by the Lord were the Lord’s delight. Belov

Play Your Part!

Play Your Part! 2 Chronicles 17:3-5 – And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he went in the early ways of his father, not turning to the Baals. But turning to the God of his father and keeping his laws, and not doing as Israel did. So the Lord made his kingdom strong; and all Judah gave offerings to Jehoshaphat, and he had great wealth and honour. There are people that need the Lord’s support in their life’s affairs but they are not doing the needful. God doesn’t rob Peter to pay Paul. If you need God’s support then you should be able to please Him. Jehoshaphat here did the needful. He refused to follow the crowd but followed his father’s steps [this is why parents should do the right thing and to train their children in the Lord’s way]. Anyone that keeps the Lord’s commands and are obedient to His ways, then in return Jehovah establishes the person in his life’s affairs. So beloved, if you need your business to the strong, if you need your establishment in that contract and office

O Lord! Fight For Me

O Lord! Fight For Me Joshua 10:11 – And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Bethhoron, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword. When battles are fought by the Lord, it is total victory. None of those that came as enemy of the Lord’s people go back alive. This is what happened in the scripture above. In this life, there are tendencies that people will just begin to fight you for no just cause. They might even incorporate the assistance of others in a bid to just out number you. Beloved, in a situation like the said, you don’t need to fear. All you have to do is to call on the Lord and to totally rely on Him. The fact that you are outnumbered physically doesn’t mean that they will defeat you. Once God is with you and fighting for you, then none will defeat you but those that came up against you will

Salvation: A Continuous Process!

Salvation: A Continuous Process! Philippians 2:12 – Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Is salvation a one-time thing? Can salvation be lost after gained? The answers to the questions is NO and YES. Salvation is not a one-time thing and salvation can be lost after it has been gained. How was salvation gained? It was through our believing. When we confessed and believed that was when we became saved. Since we were saved through our belief in the works of Christ Jesus and in Jesus Christ then we can become unsaved at the point we start disbelieving in both Jesus Christ and in His works. Hence salvation [which means to be saved] can be lost. Salvation is not a one-time thing. Yes! at the point of believing, salvation was obtained but the obtained salvation needs to be retained through our continuous believe and obedience. That is what Apostle Paul made clear in th

Don’t Erase Your Good!

Don’t Erase Your Good! Ezekiel 3:20 – Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Few days ago, we discussed Totally Forgiven [details are here in parts, 1 and 2 ]. We found out that once God forgives anyone that person remains forgiven and the record of sins done by him or her are totally erased. Is this applicable to one’s righteousness? The above scriptures make us to understand that if a righteous person turns from his/her righteousness to wickedness and eventually dies in wickedness, then the righteousness of that former righteous person is totally erased! Is God wicked? God doesn’t rob peter to pay Paul, Galatians 6:7. What is applicable to the sins of the former sinner that is what is also applicable to th

Deliver Yourself!

Deliver Yourself! Ezekiel 3:19 – Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul. God has put every one of us as watchmen and watchwomen. We are to care for another, not just the care of the body but the care of the soul. As a watchman/watchwoman, God did not tell us to judge people but to look after the souls of humans and with love advice and warn the erring soul. One might what to say that he or she is not a pastor, a priest or a prophet. Yes you are officially not titled as a pastor, priest, prophet etc. but you are a reconciler [2 Corinthians 5:18]. Hence for you to be a reconciler, then you must be a watchman/watchwoman. Souls are dying every day even in our close area and locality. For us not to be held guilty by the lord for the wicked soul that die, we have to lay our part by admonishing, warning, and caring for the souls of humanity. Don’t be mainly interested in the body

Totally Forgiven 2

Totally Forgiven 2 Ezekiel 33:18-19 – When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby. Do you remember the story of the thieves on the cross with our Master, Jesus Christ? Luke 23:40-43. One asked for forgiveness and he was forgiven. Was the forgiven thief held accountable for the sins he had committed? Was he punished by Jehovah? No! The forgiven thief was with Christ that same day in paradise [Luke 23:43]. Right from old [the dispensation of lesser/no grace], the Lord told prophet Ezekiel that when a wicked changes his ways from wickedness to righteousness, the ex-wicked is free from his/her former wickedness. Just like when the government of a state, forgives a criminal from his/her crimes, the criminal remains forgiven and he or she can do things done by crimeless citizens and also enjoy crimeless citizen’s benefits despite

Totally Forgiven

Totally Forgiven Hebrews 8:12 – For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. So many people believe that despite God has forgiven someone of his or her sins; there will still be punishment for him or her despite having been forgiven. NO! This is not true. God forgives to remember no more. From the scripture above and also in Hebrews 10:17, we will understand that once God forgives, the remembrances of such sins by God is not valid. That is God is not remembering the sins you and I committed before we came to repentance. Someone might like to ask, if God is not remembering my sins after I pleaded for forgiveness, why then is my heart troubling me? This is so either because you haven’t believed or because the devil is speaking deceit to you. Don’t listen to the devil and totally believe. Child of God, that iniquity you asked God to forgiven you of, I am telling you today that since it is a genuine request for forgiveness, y

A Vital Key To Success 2

A Vital Key To Success 2 2 Samuel 5:23 – And when David enquired of the LORD, he said, Thou shalt not go up; but fetch a compass behind them, and come upon them over against the mulberry trees. To get success doesn’t stop at enquiring from the Lord. After enquiring from the Lord, do we harken to the counsel of the Lord? From yesterday’s scripture, we saw that Ahab, the king of Israel harken not to the instructions of the Lord. Despite Ahab disguised himself, he was killed according to the instruction of the Lord that forbade him going to Ramothgilead to battle the Syrians – 2 Chronicles 18:1-34. What did it profit Ahab now as he disobeyed God’s counsel? Was Ahab successful?? Today we see another man, David, that enquired of the Lord and the Lord told him no and David listened to the Lord. Was David successful? Yes! David defeated the Philistines, verse 25. Beloved, do what God ask you to do after seeking His face concerning anything that is bugging your life. Don’t lean on your unders

A Vital Key To Success 1

A Vital Key To Success 1 2 Chronicles 18:4 – And Jehoshaphat saith unto the king of Israel, `Seek, I pray thee, this day, the word of Jehovah.' There are principles to everything and when the principles are followed the desired result is achieved. Same thing goes with success. There are lots of principles about success but there is a vital key which all the principles are laid on. Success revolves round decision making. How do you make your decision? As a child of God, we are ruled and governed by our Father, God. Our decision should emanate from God. That is, our decision should not just be god but they should be godly [in the sense that we do what God said we should do. Some good decisions are not godly but all godly decisions are good; only the foolish ones think that it is senseless. Jehoshaphat enquired of the Lord first and this is what we should always do. When faced with decisions and issues, enquire of the Lord; seek Jehovah’s face and attention. What is God saying about t

O LORD, Overturn All To My Favour

O LORD, Overturn All To My Favour It is make up time! Here are the Prayers that were made from 11th February – 17th February, 2018; which is the fourth week of our annual fast of 2018 is below. Do make up your missed and also say these prayers again. God will continually overturn all to your favour. Our hash tag – #swomintl [especially on facebook]. Facebook Event url – [you can check it out]. Ezekiel 21:27 1. O Lord, I thank you for the rights your son Jesus gave me. I thank you for making me a partaker and a joint-heir. 2. O Lord, help me to keep on believing so that I will not lose my divine rights. 3. O Lord, flush whosoever is occupying my position that I will take over. 4. Jehovah, your kingdom’s riches and glory are my inheritance therefore let them manifest physically in my life. 5. O Lord, overturn all to my favour speedily. 6. O Lord, all illegal occupants and possessors of my positions and possessions

Getting Physical Favour!

Getting Physical Favour! Nehemiah 2:1-9 – So I prayed to the God of heaven … and the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me [Verses 4b and 8b] Nothing manifest in the physical without the control of the spiritual. This is why it is very important to always rely in the spiritual and not in the physical. As God’s children, we are to rely on God and not sorcery or black spiritual powers that are not powers when compared to the power of our God. Nehemiah had a genuine desire towards Jerusalem and he sought the face of God. He was holding a very big position in Babylon were they were taken as slaves. Without Nehemiah, the king will not drink anything because he was the cupbearer of the king. But the king granted Nehemiah’s wish, why? There is a King that is bigger than any king on earth. He controls the heart of all – Proverbs 21:1; and none counter His decree – Ecclesiastes 7:13. This King is Jehovah, his hands was upon Nehemiah [Divine Support] because Nehemi

Winning Over The Enemies!

Winning Over The Enemies! Judges 11:29-32 – So Jephthah passed over unto the children of Ammon to fight against them; and the LORD delivered them into his hands [Verse 32] Beloved, some trust in chariots [connections, strategies and schemes etc.] but what do you trust? – Psalm 20:7. Victory over any enemy or issue or circumstance can only be gotten through God’s support and not by physical help. Jephthah became victorious not because he was very powerful but because Jehovah helped him; verse 29 said that the spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah. You see, you need God’s help over that challenge. Stop trusting in the physical! Rely in and trust God and by His spirit He will direct your paths. Remember, it is not of him that wills and the race is not to the swift neither the battle to the strong – Romans 9:16, Ecclesiastes 9:11. Why not begin to trust God more. Call on God to show you mercy over your enemies and that issue. Ask God to deliver your enemies into your hand. Ask God

Being In Need Of Nothing!

Being In Need Of Nothing! Nehemiah 9:21 – Truly, for forty years you were their support in the waste land, and they were in need of nothing; their clothing did not get old or their feet become tired. Beloved of God, I bring you greetings of divine peace. In this life, we have needs of various things and our wants are insatiable. Is it possible to be in need of nothing? What gladdens our heart is that we are in this world but not of this world. That is, our peace, needs, health, finance and others are not subject to the definitions of this world. Since we are not of this world then we can be in need of nothing because God is our sustainer and supplier. God’s presence with the Israelites on their journey in the wilderness made them to be sufficient and health. God supported them – Divine Support. They were not wasted in the land of waste [they were not hungry in the land of hunger, they were not sick in the land of sickness and others]. Beloved, you see that this world’s condition def

Love Beyond Norm

Love Beyond Norm Romans 5:8 – But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Love is a painful and selfless act of goodness demonstrated towards another human unconditionally. Love is not what the world has defined it to be but what the Bible has defined it to be. LOVE IS NOT PASSION!!! The world defined love just as Ammon defined it in 2 Samuel 13 but the real definition of love is seen in the Bible notably in 1 Corinthians 13, John 3:16 and others. In a dream God gave me in January, 2018, I came to understand what love is. In the dream, I saw a beautiful and sane lady caring for an insane man. She was showing him care and love. The insane man told her to eat from his refuse food to show that she really loves him and to my greatest surprise in the dream, this beautiful and sane lady starting eating painfully and remorsefully from the insane man’s refuse food. I pondered on this dream for day and met one of my spiritual fathe

You Have The Master Key!

You Have The Master Key! Revelation 3:7 – And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; Beloved of God, there are keys and there is a master key. The key to a lock will only open the lock it is for else the lock will remain locked. But the master key has no limit to locks that it can open. The master key will opens all locks and there is only one master key. Many people have been locked spiritually and they are under different captivities. They find it difficult to excel and some might have told them all manner of things about their condition. I have come to tell them that there is a solution to their issues [you should also tell them]. Jesus is the master key. All powers have been given to Him and He holds the key to open any lock [situation and issues]. Just call on Him and invite Him into that problem you are passi

Use The Access!

Use The Access! Ephesians 2:18 – For through him we have both access by one Spirit to the Father. To every place there is an access and using the access guarantees getting the things in the place. Without the access being used, nothing of the things in the place will be given despite all difficulty encountered and time spent in trying to go into the place. In a vision, God graciously showed me some people trying to access a beautiful and peaceful place, but they were using a wrong access. Some were trying to use the wall by climbing while others on the other side were totally separated from the accessing the place. Then I heard a voice saying, “Use the Access”. Jesus is the access to whatever thing we need in life. The above scripture made us to understand that we have been given the access to the Father to get all things. Even Jesus said that without Him, we can’t get access to the father – John 14:6. Beloved, kindly made us of the access (Jesus). Without Him we can’t get tha

It Is My Right, I Will Have It!

It Is My Right, I Will Have It! Ezekiel 21:27 – I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him Hallelujah! Jesus Christ has given us rights in the kingdom through His death on the cross. The rights made us joint heirs with Him (Jesus) to the riches of the Kingdom of God. Firstly, Jesus made us partakers of the commonwealth of Israel then on a higher note, He made us inheritance and heirs of the kingdom of God. 1 Corinthians 1:30, Romans 15:27, Ephesians 3:6, Ephesian 2:12-13, Romans 8:17. We can see from the above paragraph that we have a right in Christ. Truly, this right cannot be ours except we believe in Jesus. The only way to access the riches and inheritance is through the door [which is Jesus] – John 10:7,9. Beloved, do you believe in Jesus Christ? If yes, then congrats because you have rights to the riches and inheritance of the kingdom of God. Since you have rights to God’s kingdom’s riches then the d

Battle Them All

Battle Them All Zechariah 1:18-21 – …And he spoke, saying, Those are the horns which scattered Judah, so that no man lifted up his head; but these [Carpenters] are come to affright them, to cast out the horns of the nations, which lifted up the horn against the land of Judah to scatter it [Verse 21] What happened that made the horns [powers of the evil and wicked ones] to rise up and scatter Jerusalem [God’s people]? There was a time that Jerusalem departed from the Lord and the Lord God was sore displeased with them [verse 12 and 15] but Jehovah returned with His mercies and the story changed. Beloved, the mercy of God has returned to you therefore every horn that had risen against you must be destroyed. God will be moved to battle all those that battle you. Just as he said to the Israelite and it was manifested, in this week all those that battle you will be battled by the Lord and you will not see them again. Horns that want your head [glory] not to be lifted must be destroye


O LORD, LET MY SPIRITUAL HONOUR MANIFEST PHYSICALLY, IN FULL AND WITH SPEED! Prayers that were made from 4th February – 10th February, 2018; which is the third week of our annual fast of 2018 is below. Please make up the prayers you missed and also say these prayers again. Remember that the week was the week that God destroyed things holding and limiting the manifestation of your spiritual honour physically. You can get all the Biblical scriptures and more details using the hash tag #swomintl especially on facebook. We have also created an event on facebook with the following url – [you can check it out]. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 1) Thank you Lord for creating and making me more honorable. 2) O Lord, let there be physical manifestation and evidence of my spiritual hounor and glory. 3) Lord, I refuse to be limited by my name or any physical issue/circumstance. 4) O Lord, remove every 'but' in my life 5) O Lord, bless me and make yo

The Unwanted Plant

The Unwanted Plant Matthew 13:24-30 – But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. [Verses 25-26 & 30] One thing Christians should know is that there are some plants that are not the plantings of God. These plants are those planted by the enemies of the Lord. There are some facts we will bring out here: Firstly, not all those in the church and in the family of Christianity as Christians are plants of the Lord. These plants have crept into the Christianity because there was a time we [Christians] slept. We left our responsibilities to pray and to win souls for the Lord. Therefore, we as Christians should awake from our slumber and do the needful [pra

Remove Every Clause In My Honour!

Remove Every Clause In My Honour! 2 Kings 5:1 – And Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man before his master, and honourable, for by him Jehovah had given deliverance to Syria; and he was a mighty man of valour, [but] a leper Life is either sweet or bitter. There can’t be two water of different taste from the same source [bitter and sweet water can’t be from a river]. When a life is having sweetness and bitterness then the sweetness is never enjoyed. A clause in life is bitterness. Naaman have a sweet life as a captain of a king but he also had a bitter life as a leper and this bitterness took over his joy, honour and freedom. What is the bitterness or clause or ‘but’ in your life? Is it that you are intelligent but can’t advance academically or can’t have a job? Is it you are beautiful but no husband or children? Beloved, the clause is not bigger than God. God that did it for Naaman will do it for you. Naaman dipped himself in the river this signified dip

I Won’t Be The Least!

I Won’t Be The Least! Deuteronomy 28:12-13 – The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow. And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: Nobody wants to be the last in any positive issue of life but will they be willing to do what will avert them becoming last? A student that doesn’t obey instructions will definitely fail the exams. Assume that instruction was given to answer five questions and the student answered only two question, can the student pass? God don’t want us to be the last but we have a part to play in order to be what He wants us to be. God wants us to be the head, the first and a lender not the tail, the last and

Let My Honour Manifest!

Let My Honour Manifest! Genesis 49:3-4 – Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father's bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch. To every life there is an honour attached to it. This honour can be stopped only through the errors of such life. Even the Bible tells us that the curse causeless shall not be; which means that the curse with a cause will manifest. Here we are presented with a case of Reuben who is the first son of Israel and as a first son; he has rights which is a double portion of Israel’s possession (Deuteronomy 21:17, 1 Chronicles 5:1). Reuben loss his double possession and honour because of his error. Like Reuben, we have one error or the other but it may not necessary be Reuben’s kind of error. Error stops life from manifesting honour. I pray for you that as you seek mercies from God,

The blood of Jesus Conquers All

The blood of Jesus Conquers All Hebrews 10:19 – So then, my brothers, being able to go into the holy place without fear, because of the blood of Jesus, (BBE) As a Christian, Christ has already paid the price for us and because of His blood we have access to the Holy of Holies without fear of being dead due to human shortcomings. This was made evidence in the slitting of the veil at the death of Jesus on the cross – Matthew 27:51. That is why we all need to be thankful to Jesus because if it were then, just imagine the rate of God’s instant judgement on the categories of people that stand on the altar of God to preach now. Though, this is not a licence to sin – Jude 1:4. Jesus Christ has made everything accessible for us now; unlike in the past when we need to buy lamb, ram and other thing, taking them to the priest and the priest will intercede on our behalf for sin offerings and other. Now all that God requires from us is to have a repentant heart [to kneel and let your heart be f

Name Is Powerful!

Name Is Powerful! 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 – And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. Name is a means of identification. Everything on earth and in Heaven have name. Spiritually and physically, name is very powerful. Say to yourself, “Whatever negative name I am named in the spiritual or physical will not affect me, in Jesus name”. Here we are presented with a case about a man named Jabez [meaning sorrow]. He was an honourable man [for God created a man of honour – Genesis 1:27-28] but his honour was limited by the name he was answering. Spiritually, he should be a man made with honour but this honour was not manifesting in the physical because h

It Is Turning Around!

It Is Turning Around! Isaiah 41:10-15 – Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish [Verse 11] Beloved, you need not to be afraid of them that are against you. God is your helper and He is far greater than those they are against you. Here God is giving you a divine assurance that those that are against you can’t hold you down. They will only purse you to their fail and not yours. Every issue that you have been facing in your life will be turned around by the mighty move of God. Those that are against you and that want your doom will be dealt by the Lord Himself. God has told you that they will be confounded, ashamed, negligible and destroyed. This is the sequence of their destruction. All you have to do is to relax in God and make your ways pleasing. Reading from verse one of Isaiah 41, we can to understand that God destroys and creates. He is a fighter! The destruction of God

Prayers For Your Salvation 2

Prayers For Your Salvation 2 The recap of prayers made during the second week of 2018 Fasting and Prayers (28th January – 3rd February, 2018) is below. You can get all the Biblical scriptures and more details using the hash tag #swomintl especially on facebook. We have also created an event on facebook with the following url – [you can check it out]. 1. Pray that God will help you to live your study. 2. Pray that God will help you do what you have been taught by the Holy Spirit. 3. Pray that you will grow spiritually and become adults. [Colossians 2:7, Acts 11:1-26] 4. Pray for God's spirit to dwell and manifest in you. 5. Pray that you will separate yourself for God's use. 6. Pray that you will be a God's vessel of power unto honour. 7. Pray that you will effect lives on earth positively. 8. Pray that you will be a channel to increase the Christianity on earth. [Ezra 7:10, John 13:

Avoiding God’s Curse

Avoiding God’s Curse Deuteronomy 7:26 - Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing Things in our possession have a way of affecting our life either positively or negatively. In the secular world, similar punishment or fine is given to the possessor of stolen item(s) as with the thief. So it is with God. God told His children clearly that anything that is an abomination or that is accursed should not be in their possession. This will attract the fierce anger of God upon the possessor. Take a look at Achan in Joshua 7; he took of the accursed ad that brought a great judgment and defeat to Israel. Why should we avoid having the abominable or accursed in our possession? The abominable have a consequence and such consequence(s) are affected in the life of the possessor. Similarly, the accursed attracts manifestation of curse(s) in the life of the

Power Of Your Faith

Power Of Your Faith Luke 5:1-7 – And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as their nets were breaking, they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. (Verse 5-7 – RSV) Faith is acting on God’s word accordingly. The journey of the Christian life is all about faith. Just trust the word of God and live in accordance to the word. From the above scripture we see that a miracle was possible just because Simon Peter acted on the instruction of Jesus Christ. Whenever the instructions of God are acted on, God is put into work. He begins to work for those that acted on His instructions. Miracles are made possible through our faith. When God has decided to do a thing, it takes our faith to make such thing manifest, except on a rare occasion that God mov

Foundation Of Divine Support

Foundation Of Divine Support Nehemiah 1:11 – O Lord, let thy ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant, and to the prayer of thy servants who delight to fear thy name; and give success to thy servant today, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man." Now I was cupbearer to the king. Everyone wants to be a beneficiary of divine support but not everyone is ready to undergo the foundational requirements. To enjoy divine support there are things that must be put in place. I studied and found out that those that enjoyed divine support are those that are God’s servant [not in title or uniform but God’s servant from his/her actions and inactions]. They do want God wants and run from what God don’t want. They delight to reverentially fear the Lord irrespective of the situations that they are into. Nehemiah devoted himself to the duties of God despite being the king’s cupbearer, he did not defile himself. He was serving a heathen king but he retained the fear of God in his heart.

February 2018 – Month of Divine Support

February 2018 – Month of Divine Support Genesis 24:12, 27 – And he said, Jehovah, God of my master Abraham, meet me, I pray thee, [with thy blessing] this day, and deal kindly with my master Abraham. And he said, blessed be Jehovah, God of my master Abraham, who has not withdrawn his loving-kindness and his faithfulness from my master; I being in the way, Jehovah has led me to the house of my master's brethren. Hallelujah! All Glory be to God who has graciously made us to be part of see this new month – February 2018. In this year of MULTIPLE WONDERS, the Lord has theme this month as the month of DIVINE SUPPORT. When someone is supported by God, things that seems impossible and unachievable becomes speedily achievable. The above scripture shows what became possible in a swift because of Jehovah’s support. For some days, we will be relaying scripture that shows divine support at work. In this month and beyond, I pray that you and yours will experience divine support in your lif