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Text - Psalm 115:12-15 12 The Lord has been mindful of us, He will bless us: He will bless the house of Israel, He will bless the house of Aaron 13 He will bless those who reverently and worship-fully fear the Lord, both small and great.   14 May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children.   15 May you be blessed of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth! You are blessed by the Jehovah because  you  Trust in Him Fear Him and more importantly God is  mindful of you. Have this mentality that God has blessing you and He is making you a blessing. Your household is blessed. God's blessing is regardless of stature. Keep experiencing His unending increase. The earth is the Lord's and you are a heir to Him, so are the next of kin to God and what God has is yours. Just keep your TRUST in Him and FEAR (LOVE) him. By so doing, you are seeking the Lord and His kingdom first. Nothing can stop you since you are of the Lord. Shalom! CONFESSION I am

2016 - Welcome to the year of Total Increase and Perfect Rest

Welcome to the year of Total Increase and Perfect Rest Genesis 26:12 Amplified Bible (AMP) Then Isaac planted [seed] in that land [as a farmer] and reaped in the same year a hundred times [as much as he had planted], and the Lord blessed and favored him. Joshua 21:44-45 Amplified Bible (AMP) The Lord gave them rest [from conflict] on every side, in accordance with everything that He had sworn to their fathers, and not one of all their enemies stood before them [in battle]; the Lord handed over all their enemies to them. Not one of the good promises which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel failed; all had come to pass