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Better But Not Best

Better But Not Best Proverbs 28:6 It’s better to be poor and live a blameless life than to be rich but crooked in one’s lifestyle. Hello brethren, welcome today. From today's scripture, God is not against riches neither is He supporting poverty. God's wish for us is not to be better but Best. Then what's God saying in today's scripture? Crookedness! God dislikes crookedness. He loves truth. He enjoined us to be truthful in our dealings with human and worship to God (Exodus 23:1-3, Joshua 24:14, Psalms 15:2-3, John 4:24, Jeremiah 5:1-3). Lies, dishonesty and falsehood are all what the Lord frowns at. Hear Proverbs 6:16-19 "... six things that the LORD hates— seven, in fact, are detestable to him: Arrogant eyes, a lying tongue ..." Beloved, Christians or non-Christians if we should avoid crookedness, lies and deceptiveness then this World will be a better place. Don't pursue riches at the detriment of humanity. Try your best to live a blameless life

Return Home!

Return Home! Proverbs 27:8 Like a bird that strays from its nest is a man who wanders away from his home. Home is a place of safety. Being at home makes no stranger or outsider to victoriously attack you. A bird that wanders from its nest can't be protected by the mother. Beloved, Are you at home? This home isn't the physical homes and buildings but the Spiritual. A home not built with hands, the best place to be and the most reviving arena. This home keeper is Our High Priest (Hebrews 3:1, Psalms 121:4). He watches over us constantly. Leaving Home will mean leaving God's protective zone (Psalms 91:1 - The one who lives in the shelter of the Most High, who rests in the shadow of the Almighty will say to the LORD, “You are my refuge, my fortress, and my God in whom I trust!”). My beloved, no place is a home as with Christ. Any life outside Christ is disaster. Come to Christ and don't wander away. This is the only security measure we have on earth against all tri


Inappropriateness Proverbs 26:1 1  Like snowfall in summer or rain at harvest time, so honor is inappropriate for a fool. Whatever is inappropriately results in shame and calamity. Giving honour to a fool is putting a square peg in a circle hole. See how the Bible described it, '... snowfall in summer...' If honour isn't for fools then what's for them? The folly in them has to be taken away both spiritually and physically by the rode. Verse 3 of our text says, ' A whip is for the horses, ... a rod is for the back of fools.' The rode will take away that foolishness in them. Until the foolishness is taken away, honouring a fool is inappropriate like a gold ring in a pig snout. Beloved, let negative honouring & praise singing stop so that this world can be a better place. Say the truth in love. Instead of openly honouring a fool only to secretly stab him or her, you better openly give him a love stab. Open rebuke is better than secret love. May God help