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Praying Amiss

Praying Amiss Jude 1:20 [20] But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Praying is one of our channels of communicating with God. God is always ready to harken unto our prayers but do our prayer always come to God? Like the call we make, not all the calls get to the destination because of many factors not just lack of call credit (presence of sin). Prayer is not a physical exercise hence physical attributes are not to be employed in the course of prayer. Engage your spirit man when praying. Your spiritual understanding, emotions and mind should be used in prayers. When we pray not in the spirit, (praying in the spirit isn't only speaking in spiritual tongues); we are praying amiss. It's just like calling and shouting, the received will just be hearing noise and there will be no communication. Beloved when we pray, we should subject and submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit so that after all our prayers won't be amiss

After Forgiving

After Forgiving Job 42:10 KJV [10] And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. We might have read what Job's friends did to him. They didn't show themselves friendly. But despite all, God told Job to forgive and pray for his friends. See God preaching forgiveness by Himself! Beloved, the power of forgiving an offence can't be underestimated. You see, Job was restored after forgiving his friends. Does it mean that without his forgiveness he would've been restored? Look at what Matthew 5:23-25. Beloved that blessing or peace you long for might be tied you to your obedience of forgiving an offence. We should be like Job that never sought the death of his friends. Without Job's prayers his friends life would've been hell but Job love his friends despite all. Love is all. Show love by forgiving that person you vowed never to forgive and you'll see a new and restored yo

You'll See God!

You'll See God! Job 42:5 KJV [5] I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye sees thee. Hello beloved! The wondrous and miraculous did of God you must have heard. But maybe you have seen any miracle or wonder from God in your life to testify of. But like Job, you will testify of seeing God wonders. Job though little of God but only to know that God is Almighty and He does great and mighty things that are far beyond the comprehension of human. Though Job passed through much pains to see and experience the wondrous and mighty nature of God, yours will not be the same. But it's not a promise from God neither from me that you will see God without experiencing any discomfort or pains. Psalms 103:7. Beloved in whatever way it may be, just be patient and wait on God else it takes only divine grace for you to see him. It is my earnest prayers that this year will see God's mighty and wondrous hands in your life and family. Like the Israelites, God w