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Human Wisdom

Human Wisdom Ecclesiastes 1:18 [18] For in much [human] wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow Much grief is a product of acquiring, using and depending on human wisdom in relating to the spiritual. Solomon being so wise experience this grief when he turned from God. Human wisdom is acquired through books and study but God's wisdom is from Above. God's wisdom can't be aligned with human wisdom; it's far above human wisdom. Look at the Scriptures, Joseph and Daniel outsmarted the philosophers of their days because they acquired, relied on and used God's wisdom. If not for them, the philosophers would have been destroyed totally though they had some degree of grieve. Beloved, stop applying human wisdom and don't depend on human. Look unto God for directions. This is the way to eliminate grief. God gives this wisdom freely but all you need is to ask from Him. James 1:5. Beloved, go to God seeking wisdom from Him becau

A Better Tomorrow

A Better Tomorrow Ecclesiastes 4:13-14 [13] Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished. [14] For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor. There is someone whose yesterday is better than tomorrow. This is he or her that is incorrigible, who sees instruction as a strait belt and not safety belt. Such a person his or her yesterday will always be the better and not the tomorrow. God wants us to have a better tomorrow hence He admonishes us several times that we should pay heed to instructions. He also advised us that we should learn from the mistakes of our fathers. So to have a better tomorrow, it takes the ability adhere to instructions. You see how the scripture puts it? The today and yesterday matters not only the tomorrow that matter. A foolish King will tomorrow become a begged if he accepts no instructions. Beloved, be opened up to instructions. Don't make yourself

Be Steadfast!

Be Steadfast! 1 Corinthians 15:58 [58] Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Continuity gives birth to reward (good or bad). If on a race, the first relax towards the end or discontinued in his speed, then he might end us amongst those that won't be given a reward. In our service to God, we are to continue in our love for Him. By so doing,our reward is given to us. We are admonished today that we shouldn't backslide from the love we have for God. Someone that is steadfast can't be moved by strange doctrines and planned/organised miracles. Beloved, if you wanna receive your reward for your years of service then you have to be steadfast. Steadfastness is a weapon against the Antichrist and their agents. Be steadfast in your relationship with God and human. I pray that the grace to be always steadfast be given unto us. May we not lose ou