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FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE 1 Bible text: Matt 25:14-27 "WEALTH is the product of man's capacity to think". Everyone is born naked but nobody was born empty. Nobody has everything but we all have something, how we manage what we have financially is what determine if we are financially intelligent or not. The amount that means nothing in the hand of a spender means a lot in the hand of an investor. The financial intelligence factor is the state of mind that comes being a certain way and doing certain things that attract wealth and abundance into your life. The big different between those that are financially intelligent and those that are not is in their mentalities about money. WHAT MUST I DO AS A CHRISTIAN TO BE FINANCIALLY INTELLIGENT. When God placed Adam over the garden, GOD did not just leave him there, GOD told him to dress the garden. So the first thing you must understand is that you must have something doing. Determine your primary life purpose. >> Eva

Receiving Strength

Receiving Strength Isaiah 40:29 KJV [29] He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. God supplies the needs of His children always. But His supplies are for those that are weak and powerless, not in the physical but in the spiritual. Do you see yourself as weak and powerless (that's without God you are nothing)? God doesn't come to the strong and powerful (proud ones) but to the weak and powerless (humble ones). Jesus said in Luke  5:31, "They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick." Beloved, how are you in God? Are you proud or humble, self-centered or Christ-centered, whole or sick? God will only come to those that are humble, Christ-centered and sick. In verse 31, we're told that those that wait upon the Lord (those that are Christ-centered) will receive divine strength and power. Beloved, in our walk with Christ we should always be humble so that we'll receive divine power. May God he

Waiting On Him

Waiting On Him Isaiah 25:9 NIV [9] In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.” Waiting on God is never a waste of time as perceived by some. God has not and will never disappoint anyone that wait on Him. What then is waiting on God? To wait on God is to totally rely on and trust in God. It is to look only upon Jesus constantly. Beloved, those that wait on God their strength are not just renewed but their hopes are made alive and evident at the end. In this verse, they waited on God; God saved them from both physical and spiritual doom. God's Special one! What are you longing for? What is that situation confronting you also threatening your peace and joy? In the name of Jesus, as you wait on God, let the situation be no more. May Jehovah saved you! May you rejoice and not sorrow. God promised not to leave you; wait on Him continually. Isaiah 43:1-