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Sycophancy! Daniel 11:32 – The King will say some people are good. Those are the people who do not obey God. But those who know their God will be strong. And they will work. The fact that human compliment and praise a human does not mean that the praised or complimented is godly. Human will always praise and compliment people for their own benefits. God is not human and when human begin to behave like God in praising and complementation then the world be a better place. When an evil person is praised, the evil in him or her keep growing. Rebuke and chastise that evil man or woman. Don’t praise him or her. Those that don’t do God’s will should be told to repent point blank. Don’t be a sycophant. For this world to be a better place, we all have to correct one another in love. Shalom!

Divine Guarantee

Divine Guarantee Isaiah 45:23 – And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. Do you know that a covenant is protect by the parties involved so that outsiders will not undo the covenant? God’s covenant with His children (you and I) is protected by God. Forces are much that will try to undo the covenant of God in your life; they will try to fight and do wickedly against the covenant but don’t be bothered. What God have covenanted with you must come to perfection and the forces of evil around you can never stop you. God can’t lie and He will never lie. All he said about you must manifest but you don’t have to stop yourself. Ask God to deliver you and to help you in life. Shalom!

The Efficacy of His Word 3

The Efficacy of His Word 3 Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Have you ever seen or held a two-edged sword? Have you watch those movies that two-edged sword are used? A two-edged sword passes through any obstacles and on both sides, it destroys the obstacle. The Word of God is more than a two-edged sword. Souls, spirits, joint and marrow can’t withstand the Word of God. That truth you seek from another can be gotten by the Word of God. Make the Word of God your best friend and all intents of the heart of men will be made know to you. God’s Word is powerful more than anything you think is powerful. Make the Word of God your tool and with it you will scale through life issues. Shalom!