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See Who to Start With!

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The beginning of a thing determines the process and maybe the end of such thing. If the seed is good, the fruits are most likely to be good and productive, and when there is no infection, the harvest will be bumper. To be truthful and honest, not everyone nor everything that you should start with. This is to avoid the pains of prolong, unproductive and incomplete journey. Take your time and read the scripture again and John 1:1. What did you observe? God was at the beginning of the events, and because God was at the beginning, the event was successful. Beloved, make it your habit to always involve God at the beginning of whatever you want to do. When you seek God first, leaning not on your understanding, and doing God’s bidding, then you will always have success and not regrets. Shalom!

Is God Angry Still?

Isaiah 12:1 And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortedst me. The above question is what has thrown many off tract. Many because of the wrong answer to this question has done negative while others have been held in bondage. Just read the quest again then read the scriptural text. I make bold to say that God is not angry with you anymore but this is dependent on your decision. If one is continuing in what made God angry with him/her, then God will be! Another major question is, what is the day being referred to? The day where the Lord will not be angry anymore is the that sin is destroyed or that sin is no more patronized. Reading from chapter 11:10, you will understand what the Lord is saying. Beloved, the root from Jesse has been made manifest but we all have to stop patronizing sin. I pray that God will set His hand against everything that represent sin in our life. Whatsoever that

As Though Not Cast!

Zechariah 10:6 … for I have mercy upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off ... God deals with human not same way human deals with human. God acts mercifully and kindly, however He is not happy when we disobey Him. When human suffer from the consequences of not doing the right thing; the person concern is never happy with the consequences. There is a way out of every consequence that comes from doing the wrong thing. The way out is the way (John 14:6). When this way is used, things becomes as though they had not been. God has made his decision, so what is your own decision? Do you want negative things and situations in your life to become as if they had not been? God’s mercy has been made available, all you need to do is to accept God’s mercy, then you will be restored, restrengthen and saved. x