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Sustenance through any Situation

Sustenance through any Situation And he said, “Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job 1:21 There was an elderly lady who, for 90 years, claimed 2 Timothy 1:12 as her life verse. She quoted it every morning in the old King James, “… for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed to him against that day .” In her later years, however, the woman began to lose her memory and could only quote parts of the verse. Finally on her deathbed, she was heard to say over and over again the only part she could remember. In a barely audible voice she said, “Him… Him… Him.” And that single word was enough to sustain and strengthen her all the way to heaven. When it comes down to it, isn’t that what it’s really all about? Scripture… salvation… holy living… it’s really all about Him! And while our bodies will fail and our minds will lose

Mercy or Justice?

Mercy or Justice? Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Knowing our daily actions and inactions are not perfect using God's standard then when being judged with God's standard what will you need? A young man who is a military officer was court marshal and he was afraid and shaking. A military General who is a team of the court said, be not afraid for you will get justice here. Justice? No! I need mercy the military officer replied because I didn't do well. When we stand before God on the Day of Judgment, our lives will be laid bare. But for those of us who are in Christ, we’ll humbly stand before God and say, “We need mercy.” And while God will deal out justice to many, for us, we’ll bask in the wonderful gift of His mercy. Thank God for His mercy today. Be grateful that if you’re in Christ, you’ll escape God’s judgment and inherit eternal life! GOD’S MERCY ONLY COMES THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. BE THANKFUL THAT IF YOU’R

Get To Know Jesus More And More

Get To Know Jesus More And More 2 Peter 1:2 The Bible gives us a secret to walking in favor and well-being in 2 Peter 1:2—“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.” In the original Greek, it actually says, “...through the knowledge of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.” So God’s unmerited favor and His shalom-peace (health, provision and total well-being) are multiplied in your life through the knowledge of JESUS. The more you know Jesus, the more you will be able to tap into the ever-flowing supply of His favor, healing and provision! Beloved, every answer you need, whether it has to do with your finances, health, career or family life, is found in knowing more about Jesus in a personal and intimate way. I pray that every day, as you study the Scriptures or listen to Christ-centered sermons, the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to see more of Jesus—His beauty, His love and grace toward you, and His finished work at Calvary! This plan was c