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Useful Waste

Useful Waste! Proverbs 20:4-5 4  Take away the waste from silver, and a vessel will come out for the silver-worker.  5  Take away evil-doers from before the king, and the seat of his power will be made strong in righteousness. A silver is not precious and not admired by all until the dross is taken out of it. So it is with human and substance. No human is a waste and non is useless even if they actions are inhuman. What is needed is to take the dross out of them. There is tendency that the enemies has sowed tares thus making they seem useless but when the tares are uprooted, the human is normalized. The Bible wants us to see people from the optimistic view by taking out the 'less' in the useless and add 'ful'. Even the kings, rulers and leaders, when the dross (evil advisers and doers) is taken out, they become better kings. Prayer! 1)Father, take away any dross in my life 2)Lord let every evil adviser be taken away from the kings of this Earth 3)Lord refi

Envy Not The Wicked

Envy Not The Wicked Proverbs 24:1-2  1  Don’t be envious of wicked men or wish you were with them,  2  because they plan violence, and they are always talking about trouble. A wicked human is he/she that always thinks evil, disregard and disrespect God, and they are never peaceful. The wicked are not friends of God. They refuse to change from there evil ways and schemes. Their fate has been decided since they refuse to repent. They have no root that will sustain they in hard times, that's why they easy fade off. Our root is in Christ and we stand forever. In verses 19-20 says,  'Don’t be anxious about those who practice evil, and don’t be envious of the wicked. For the wicked man has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be extinguished.' You see, the judgment has been pass on them. Also in Psalms 73; 37 and others, you'll see reasons not to be envious of the wicked. Let the wicked that refuses to change continue in wickedness (Rev 22:11) but don't follow


Oppressive? Proverbs 23:10-11 10  Don’t move ancient boundaries or invade fields belonging to orphans;  11  for strong is their Redeemer who will take up their case against you. God is a just God and doesn't promote or support oppression. The orphans are highly valued in God's eyes. Yes the Orphans (not just the parent less but those that totally and solemnly trust in God), beware of they because offending them is inviting the wrath of God. Look at verse 11, their Redeemer (God) will take up their case. Do you what to fight with God? Don't think it! Do you cheat on Land issues, removing ancient and legal boundaries? The Lord hates such. Please read, Prov 22:28, Deut. 14:19, Deut. 27:17. You see, a curse is on anyone that removes boundary, ‘Cursed is the one who moves his neighbor's boundary stone.’ Boundaries are means of keeping someone and something within legal limit. In a sermon, we'll look at boundary in the spiritual view, God helping us. Brethren, d