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According to Ability

According to Ability Ezra 2:69 KJV They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work threescore and one thousand drams of gold... In giving, we should never attempt to give because others gave but we should give in accordance to our ability. It's only when we give according to our ability that there will not be grudges, unwillingness and compelling; which in return bring the desired blessings and others blessing as well. The ability here is not the physical ability but the spiritual. A wealthy human have the physical ability to give but may not have the spiritual ability and vice versa. To receive blessings and not curse, we have to give according to our ability. In Acts 11:29; the fathers of Christianity and those first called Christians, gave according to their ability. My beloved brethren, don't let the devil trick you. There is no physical competition in spiritual giving. Give out of a willing (able) mind, Exodus 25:2. May God empower with the giving ab

Get it Filled!

Get it Filled! Ecclesiastes 11:3 3  If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves on the earth;... The rain can never fall without the cloud getting filled. You must had heard about the water cycle, the earth must give water (evaporation) continuously else the rain will tarry. This is the principal and psychology behind giving and stewardship. Whatever good we are doing, we must continue with failing or stopping. This will qualify us for reward from out actions. Simply put, there is reward in continuity! God told us, 'If we continue, we will receive our rewards' - Galatians 6:9, Hebrews 10:35. You see, we have to continue in our good stewardship and service. Continue in good doing, it pays. Sow in the morning and in the evening also sow. Brethren, is you cloud full? I pray that gracefully your cloud will be full and nothing will stop your rain. Experience rain and not showers in Jesus Name. May God water your life, take away drought & empower you to be

Heavenly Wisdom

Heavenly Wisdom James 3:13,15,17,18 [17] But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. A wise human is he or she that acknowledges God. A fool is he or he that says there's no God. Psalms 53:1. God's 'wisdometer' is not human's; saying right words and meekness is wisdom in God's sight. Greed, cheating, pride, envy etc. is not display of God's wisdom but human's. Brethren when the world call you wise and celebrates you, don't be carried away but check yourself if really you are celebrated for Heavenly wisdom or Earthly wisdom. As Christians, we should not be like the heathen. Don't have the same wisdom as the heathens. If your wisdom is not peaceable, gentle, merciful, good fruited but hypocritical then you know your wisdom is worldly. Worldly wisdom can please God. May God fill us Heavenly wisdom to empower and e