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Rest From Sorrow

Rest From Sorrow Isaiah 14:3 And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve, One will love to ask which day since the Bible said "... in the day ...". This is not a fixed day prophetically speaking but it is the day of God's mercy. Claim your that it is TODAY. The mercy of God will cause about the transformation that will result to rest from sorrow, fear and bondage. This mercy is not because of our righteousness but because of God's righteousness and compassion. Don't condemn and judge yourself yet. God still have plans for you even if the devil is accusing you. Beloved, God's got your back, you are covered. His mercy will not depart from you. Try to please God and don't continue in sin. May God's promised rest be activated in your life with divine speed in Jesus Name - Amen. Shalom.

How's Your Balance

How's Your Balance Micah 6:11 KJV Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights? Are you a businessman, or directly or indirectly in a business? You have to be pure! How can you stand righteously in business? The Lord warn all business merchants to always use right scale, balance and weight. Using false scale will profit you but will destroy you. It will hamper your relationship with God and when your customers and others get to know it, your business will be closed. Beloved, beware of your business strategy. Stop using false scale, balance and weights. Don't be wealth driven and conscious but be Heavenly conscious and service driven so that you can do right in business. Shalom!!!

The Surest!

The Surest! Psalm 73:26 KJV My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Only the Creator cannot fail; all creatures fail. Which will you choose, abide in and confined on? Because the spiritual is the compass for the physical, any physical attribute on depends on will fail him or her. What is the strength of your heart (life)? Do you depend on a creature or on our Creator? Beloved, nothing can sustain you for ever and ever except God. Let God be your strength and your all in all. Shalom!