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It's Love!

It’s Love! 1 John 4:9 – In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. Today the world is celebrating the birth of Jesus, acknowledging God for giving humanity His only Son so that we might be saved. This is real love! And I believe that it pained God for His only Son to be delivered to die. Beloved, God showed us great us. As we celebrate, we should show the kind of love that God showed towards us. Note that God’s love cost God something that pained Him and God’s love was for salvation. The love we are to show in this season of celebrating Christ’s birth is the love that will cost of something that we pain us to the salvation of somebody or something. Please don’t show love that will destroy or that is selfish, God’s love was not so. Celebrate Christ’s birth by showing God’s love. Give gift to the poor; help those that are oppressed, save souls. May God give us the power to celebrate Christ’s bir

Never Too Late!

Never Too Late! Psalms 90:4 – For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Yes it is never too late with God. Jehovah is always on time and never late. With just seven days for the year 2017 to go, the Lord can do what you never imagine. He can perfect that desire of your heart. Don’t give up on God beloved for He will do whatever He has promised to do. He turned the captivity of Zion within a twinkle of an eye and that is why it was like a dream to the Zionites. The same that did it for them will do it for you. You will experience a miracle that will be like a dream you the God that did it for His children in 2 Kings 7 that took away their famine in less than twenty four hours will do an earth shaking miracle for you in this year 2017. Beloved, don’t give up on God. Continue to believe and to adhere to His word then you will experience the manifestation of that long awaited desire of your heart in this year 2017 in accordance

Blasphemers Of The Truth

Blasphemers Of The Truth 2 Peter 2:1-2 – But there were false prophets also among the people, as there shall be also among you false teachers, who shall bring in by the bye destructive heresies, and deny the master that bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction; and many shall follow their dissolute ways, through whom the way of the truth shall be blasphemed The rate of false teachers and prophets is increasing daily; this is in confirmation of the Bible prophecies about the coming of false prophets. False teachers and prophets are not new to this time but they have been. They are after themselves and not after the salvation of their soul or the soul of their followers and hearers. These false prophets and teachers are blasphemers of the truth. What is the truth? 2 John 1:7 make us to understand that false teachers and prophets [deceivers] don’t confess that Jesus is Lord and this is the truth. Everyone must confess that Jesus is Lord and whosoever that confesses not th