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Don't Sin

Don’t Sin ‘Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.” - - - James 4:17 (KJV) “The man who has knowledge of how to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.” - - - James 4:17 (BBE) God’s Image, You can see that it I very easy to sin and to avoid sinning is also very easy. It all requires you to do the good you know. This is the judgment and there is nothing more. If you know that you ought to help someone and you didn’t, then you have sinned. This goes to other things and it affect our daily living. In this time of advance knowledge and massive revelation of God’s word, none can comfortably say that he or she does not know what is good to do. Let me surprise you that even if you claim not to know, in Christ just as in the law court, ignorance isn’t an excuse – Luke 12:47 – 48. In doing the good you know, comes beautification – John 13:17. May God empower us all to do good always – Amen. Shalom!

2019 Banners

2019 Banners Greetings Beloved. Here are the different sizes of the 2019 banner. You can use any of your choice for your social media. WhatsApp Profile Pix Google Plus Twitter Facebook Thanks.

2019 – Divine Beautification

2019 – Divine Beautification - - - Psalm 149:4b “ … He beautifieth the meek with salvation” Hallelujah!!! I Congratulate and Welcome to 2019. This year has been themed via the Holy Spirit as the year of Divine Beautification. Get ready for your beautification for all you need do is to be meek both in the spiritual and in the physical. I am confident that has God revealed to me, divine beauties will locate you in this year; financially, materially and spiritually. Nothing can stop the move of God but I beg you not to stop yourself. Walk with God and you will be His person of which He takes pleasure in. Be meek and you will be beautified with salvation [prosperity, good health, safety and blessings]. God bless and increase you – Amen. Shalom and Chara! See 2019 Banners in Different Sizes  Here