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Everyday Blessedness

Everyday Blessedness Psalm 128:5 KJV The Lord shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. Yes it is very possible to be in a blessed state everyday. First is to know and acknowledge that blessings comes from no other sources than God and God blesses out of one's location. The question is, are you in a the location God wants you to be? 'The lord shall bless thee out of Zion', you see that it is out of Zion (a place of God's dwelling) that God blesses from. Are you in the place God wants you to be? If you are not, then go to the right. May God direct us to our Zion that we will always be blessed and see good everyday, Amen.

Whom to Trust

Whom to Trust Psalms 125:1 They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Not every trust results to positivity. Whom you trust have a way of affecting you. You are either made or marred by your trust. The Lord has admonished us not to trust in humanity but only in His divinity and no other. Amongst all that exist, only God that can't fail. Creatures fail but God of all Creatures never fail. He is always there even when we are far. Trust in the Lord so that your expectations and beyond will never be cut short. No other deity or human can be ever present even in the fire He was with the Hebrew boys and lot's more. May Jehovah give us the mind to always trust Him - Amen.

Your Mind Type 3

Your Mind Type 3 Philippians 2:5 KJV Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus HUMILITY (Acts 20:19, 1 Peter 5:5) A key factor to obtaining favour both from humanity and divinity, and also to be successful is HUMILITY. Humility is not stupidity though it might look like it. To access the blessings God prepare for His children there must first be a humble heart. How humble is your heart and spirit? Jesus was humble and it was His humility that contributed to Him winning the goal. His humility made Him to put off His spiritual ability and put on humanity. Jesus never thought it to equate himself to God in any form, see verse 6 of Philippians 2. Beloved, begin to search yourself with questions to see if you are humble. I pray that the power of humility be release upon you.