Sweetness From Hardness
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the
mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all
the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth of
the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim.” - - - Joel 3:18
Hallelujah! Did you hear it? …
the mountains shall drop down new wine …, this means that every difficulty in
your life is changing to sweetness and everything that brings tears and pains
will begin to brings joy and happiness.
Not just the mountains and the
hills, but also the rivers and the fountains will again bring waters. That’s to
say, where your source of legitimate income [business, office, profession or
others] has gone dry and ill, Jehovah will make it spring forth again. Your
rivers [income] will flourish again.
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