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Do Not Sell Your Conscience III

THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: Friday 5th, June 2020. TOPIC: Do Not Sell Your Conscience III TEXT: 1 Chronicles. 5:1-10  MESSAGE Many Christians find it difficult to shine or make the optimum use of their gift and talents as a result of sin. The skeleton in their cupboard is not a barrier depriving them from discharging their duties. The righteous the Bible says, are as bold as the lion. Sin is a tool with which the devil keeps us in constant and perpetual bondage. Will the pastor preach against fornication and adultery in the communication where he has one or more lovers -sexual partners? What message has the undiscipline senior elder for the undiscipline floor members? Because of the lack of self-control, we are not able to be actually what God wants us to be. Reuben the first born of Isreal (Jacob) also had the ugly trace. Old sin has a long shadow.  The fact that he sold his conscience by committing abomination, he could not flow into his inheritance as first born. He was disqua

Avoid Learning in a Hard Way

MEDITATION Avoid learning in a hard way 1. Hope of restoration after chastisement a. God promised to deliver them from captivity v53. b. God promised to remember His everlasting covenant with them v60,62. c. God promised to restore them to their former glorious status (former estate) v55. 2. Wasted years and opportunities Before this could be possible, some avoidable events happened. a. Captivity in Babylon for 70 years (over 2 generations wasted). b. Public and prolonged humiliation, shame and slavery in a foreign land due to their stubborn addition to self will v54,57,58,61,63. c. Many of their children's lives and destinies were wasted through deaths, famine and sword.  d. Destruction of their lifelong investments and possessions as Nebuchadnezzar invaded their land. e. They learnt their lessons in a hard and costly way before they could abandon their self life and yield themselves to God. 3. How to avoid learning in a hard way a. Don't experiment with disobedience to the wo

Do Not Sell Your Conscience II

THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: Thursday 4th June 2020. TOPIC: Do Not Sell Your Conscience II TEXT: Numbers 17:1-9  MESSAGE The politics of today especially in Nigeria is the selling of consciences. Voters no longer vote their conscience but they vote for money. Even most times when they vote their conscience ballot boxes are hijacked rendering our  votes countless, useless and  insignificant. We need to invite God for his divine intervention on this matter that could tear this nation apart.  Are we really mature enough to run this presidential system of governance? Have the electorates not blinded their eyes and consciences  as they accept kind or cash before they cast their vote? The elected or they that impose themselves as leaders often do not and never consider the masses. They are not faithful to the oath they swore as they are there to cause confusion, loot and dig deeper to retain their position, climb higher in subsequent elections.  What do we have in various denominations?


DAILY MANNA THURSDAY, JUNE 4 2020 It is advisable that you meditatively read the text first COVENANT KEEPER  TEXT: EZEKIEL 16:53-63. 🔑 KEY VERSE   "Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant" (EZEKIEL 16:60). One inescapable truth about humans is their inability to always keep their word or fulfill their promises. Man lacks the capacity to honour his word every time, regardless of his good intentions are noble desires. This is because man is limited. But the almighty God is not so. He is faithful and always true to His word and promises. God promised the descendants of Abraham the Promised Land and with a stretched-forth hand, brought them out of Egypt and took them to Canaan. He required them to obey His commandments and not to be like heathen nations. Israel rebelled and committed abominations, idolatry and whoredom like heathen nations. God sentenced them to suffer the consequences of

Our Responsibility Towards The Poor

MEDITATION Our responsibility towards the poor 1. Is poverty the will/plan of God for some? a. The perfect will of God is that there will be no poor people among is people v4. See the use of when. b. The permissive reality is that there will always be poor people among the brethren v11. c. Why do you think some believers perpetually remain poor when it is not the will/plan of God for them? d. You have a choice to be poor or to be a giver to the poor. 2. Giving to the poor is a secret of prosperity a. You should lend or empower the poor brethren to invest if it is within your power vv7,8. b. Lend them what you will be willing to forego in case he sincerely do not have the ability to pay back vv2,3. c. You should empower and follow up with the investment to make sure the brother/sister avoid running into a loss. d. If all is done and there is still a bad debt, it should be written off with brotherly love vv2,3. f. You may also decide to give charity especially as an immediate assistance


DAILY MANNA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 2020 It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first GIVING: THE SOURCE OF TRUE BLESSINGS  TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 15:1-11. 🔑KEY VERSE "Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto" (DEUTERONOMY 15:10). Janet Rheine noted that in its wild state, the olive tree is small, thorny with twisted branches. When cultivated and nurtured, it sheds its thorns and reaches a height of twenty to thirty feet and is capable of producing fruits for three hundred to five hundred years. Giving to generations after generations. What blessedness! Our passage today is about the sabbatical year of release. At the end of every seven years, every creditor forgives debts owed and the debtor is released, particularly an Israelite-debtor. This commitment was given by the Lord for Isra


THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE 2020. TOPIC: DO NOT SELL YOUR CONSCIENCE. TEXT: GEN 25:30-34.  MESSAGE  A lot of people are living in bondage today because they at one time or the other sold their birthright. Their words and personalities no longer count. It is evil or mistake cut across all walks of life. The people of old sold out and generations yet unborn will still fall into this evil. In many areas we have mortgaged our salaries, business, properties because of exigencies. We have bargain blindly or innocently somehow and are falling into the hands of unscrupulous men/women thus loosing our right, properties and credence. From our reading this morning, we are told about the unhealthy bargain between two blood Brothers. Although the event was divinely predestined it was ill fated. The right was  Esau by birth, but Jacob's by promise. It was a spiritual privilege born of greed by both parties, Jacob's desire of the birthright which he ought to obtain by t

Nobody Eats His Cake and Have It

MEDITATION Nobody eats his cake and have it 1. The usual result of backsliding a. Their sin is a case of backsliding from initial total devotion to God v36. b. They became "servants of corruption", overcome by corruption, brought back into bondage and got entangled in the pollutions of the world v35, 2 Peter 2:19-22. Lord, I pray for power and grace that will never go back to my vomit again🙏 c. Observe that Satan made sure they were worse off morally than even gentile sinners around them through unimaginable wickedness v36. d. This agrees with 2 Peter 2:19-22 that the devil will not leave backsliders until he makes them worse than what they were before conversion. Lord, I pray that I will never loose my position of dominion over sin and Satan🙏 2. The usual inescapable divine anger on backsliding a. Open shame before unbelievers v37. Unfortunately, Satan often make backsliders to loose their sense of shame. b. At times, children or close relations of the backsl