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Do Not Sell Your Conscience III

THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: Friday 5th, June 2020. TOPIC: Do Not Sell Your Conscience III TEXT: 1 Chronicles. 5:1-10  MESSAGE Many Christians find it difficult to shine or make the optimum use of their gift and talents as a result of sin. The skeleton in their cupboard is not a barrier depriving them from discharging their duties. The righteous the Bible says, are as bold as the lion. Sin is a tool with which the devil keeps us in constant and perpetual bondage. Will the pastor preach against fornication and adultery in the communication where he has one or more lovers -sexual partners? What message has the undiscipline senior elder for the undiscipline floor members? Because of the lack of self-control, we are not able to be actually what God wants us to be. Reuben the first born of Isreal (Jacob) also had the ugly trace. Old sin has a long shadow.  The fact that he sold his conscience by committing abomination, he could not flow into his inheritance as first born. He was disqua

Do Not Sell Your Conscience II

THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: Thursday 4th June 2020. TOPIC: Do Not Sell Your Conscience II TEXT: Numbers 17:1-9  MESSAGE The politics of today especially in Nigeria is the selling of consciences. Voters no longer vote their conscience but they vote for money. Even most times when they vote their conscience ballot boxes are hijacked rendering our  votes countless, useless and  insignificant. We need to invite God for his divine intervention on this matter that could tear this nation apart.  Are we really mature enough to run this presidential system of governance? Have the electorates not blinded their eyes and consciences  as they accept kind or cash before they cast their vote? The elected or they that impose themselves as leaders often do not and never consider the masses. They are not faithful to the oath they swore as they are there to cause confusion, loot and dig deeper to retain their position, climb higher in subsequent elections.  What do we have in various denominations?


DAILY MANNA THURSDAY, JUNE 4 2020 It is advisable that you meditatively read the text first COVENANT KEEPER  TEXT: EZEKIEL 16:53-63. 🔑 KEY VERSE   "Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant" (EZEKIEL 16:60). One inescapable truth about humans is their inability to always keep their word or fulfill their promises. Man lacks the capacity to honour his word every time, regardless of his good intentions are noble desires. This is because man is limited. But the almighty God is not so. He is faithful and always true to His word and promises. God promised the descendants of Abraham the Promised Land and with a stretched-forth hand, brought them out of Egypt and took them to Canaan. He required them to obey His commandments and not to be like heathen nations. Israel rebelled and committed abominations, idolatry and whoredom like heathen nations. God sentenced them to suffer the consequences of


DAILY MANNA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 2020 It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first GIVING: THE SOURCE OF TRUE BLESSINGS  TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 15:1-11. 🔑KEY VERSE "Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest unto him: because that for this thing the LORD thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto" (DEUTERONOMY 15:10). Janet Rheine noted that in its wild state, the olive tree is small, thorny with twisted branches. When cultivated and nurtured, it sheds its thorns and reaches a height of twenty to thirty feet and is capable of producing fruits for three hundred to five hundred years. Giving to generations after generations. What blessedness! Our passage today is about the sabbatical year of release. At the end of every seven years, every creditor forgives debts owed and the debtor is released, particularly an Israelite-debtor. This commitment was given by the Lord for Isra


THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE 2020. TOPIC: DO NOT SELL YOUR CONSCIENCE. TEXT: GEN 25:30-34.  MESSAGE  A lot of people are living in bondage today because they at one time or the other sold their birthright. Their words and personalities no longer count. It is evil or mistake cut across all walks of life. The people of old sold out and generations yet unborn will still fall into this evil. In many areas we have mortgaged our salaries, business, properties because of exigencies. We have bargain blindly or innocently somehow and are falling into the hands of unscrupulous men/women thus loosing our right, properties and credence. From our reading this morning, we are told about the unhealthy bargain between two blood Brothers. Although the event was divinely predestined it was ill fated. The right was  Esau by birth, but Jacob's by promise. It was a spiritual privilege born of greed by both parties, Jacob's desire of the birthright which he ought to obtain by t

Nobody Eats His Cake and Have It

MEDITATION Nobody eats his cake and have it 1. The usual result of backsliding a. Their sin is a case of backsliding from initial total devotion to God v36. b. They became "servants of corruption", overcome by corruption, brought back into bondage and got entangled in the pollutions of the world v35, 2 Peter 2:19-22. Lord, I pray for power and grace that will never go back to my vomit again🙏 c. Observe that Satan made sure they were worse off morally than even gentile sinners around them through unimaginable wickedness v36. d. This agrees with 2 Peter 2:19-22 that the devil will not leave backsliders until he makes them worse than what they were before conversion. Lord, I pray that I will never loose my position of dominion over sin and Satan🙏 2. The usual inescapable divine anger on backsliding a. Open shame before unbelievers v37. Unfortunately, Satan often make backsliders to loose their sense of shame. b. At times, children or close relations of the backsl

The Day of Recompense

DAILY MANNA TUESDAY, JUNE 2 2020 It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first THE DAY OF RECOMPENSE  TEXT: EZEKIEL 16:35-43. 🔑 KEY VERSE "Because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, but hast fretted me in all these things; behold, therefore I also will recompense thy way upon thine head, saith the Lord GOD: and thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thine abominations (EZEKIEL 16:43). One of the most remarkable things about God is that He loves with the same fervour with which He judges. He has no preferences or favourites. God is no respecter of persons, no matter how highly placed or well favoured. When He sees sin either in a heathen or in a backslidden Christian, He punishes it equally. Our text was a solemn message delivered by prophet Ezekiel to Jerusalem. God had taken Jerusalem as a bride (Isaiah 54:5) but she went into adultery with strangers. She gave gifts to her lovers and hired them for whoredom.

It Doesn't Matter

Shalom! Child of God, it doesn't matter where sugarcane is planted, it will definitely be sweet.  Light always Chase away darkness both in the physical and in the spiritual. I decree and declare  today and always that, you will never taste bitterness, sorrow, sadness, failure and shame this month. Your life will be filled with joy and happiness. Everything God Almighty has created will work in your favour In Jesus Name. Much love

The Work of Prayer 2

"Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens." --Lamentations 3:41 Prayer is in itself, apart from the answer which it brings, a great benefit to the Christian. As the runner gains strength for the race by daily exercise, so for the great race of life we acquire energy by the hallowed labour of prayer. Prayer plumes the wings of God's young eaglets, that they may learn to mount above the clouds. Prayer girds the loins of God's warriors, and sends them forth to combat with their sinews braced and their muscles firm. An earnest pleader cometh out of his closet, even as the sun ariseth from the chambers of the east, rejoicing like a strong man to run his race. Prayer is that uplifted hand of Moses which routs the Amalekites more than the sword of Joshua; it is the arrow shot from the chamber of the prophet foreboding defeat to the Syrians. Prayer girds human weakness with divine strength, turns human folly into heavenly wisdom, and gives t

October 2018 Prayers

October 2018 Prayers Psalm 107:9 – For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness. Psalm 90:14 – Satisfy us early with thy loving-kindness; that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Saint and Fragrance of God, only Jehovah can quench that thirst, hunger, tiredness and weariness thereby making you fully satisfied and refreshed. Have your gaze on Christ and pray these prayers: Heavenly father, I thank you for your grace upon my life, family, friends, country and religion. Heavenly father, I thank you for all the gifts you gave me in your son Jesus Christ. Jehovah, continue to do for me what no human can do. O Lord frustrate every counsel of the wicked speedily and let them be covered with shame. I surrender my life and all to you. Quench my thirst and hunger, and fill my soul fully. Jehovah, satisfy me early in this month for my gaze is solely on you. Jehovah with your fatness and goodness, satisfy and fill my soul and all those that are h

October 2018 – Month of Refreshment!

October 2018 – Month of Refreshment! Jeremiah 31:25 – I will satisfy the needs of those who are weary and fully refresh the soul of those who are faint. Beloved of God, welcome to this new month which the Lord has graciously called the month of refreshment. God is not a man, He is just and His words return not void unto Him. Just have faith in God. If Adam called the creatures names and it was so, what about God that created Adam? Nothing can stop your refreshment this month. New strength – financially, educationally, professionally etc.; is coming to you. Don’t stop yourself by not acknowledging to God that you are tired and weary. Remember, this refreshment is for the wearied and tired only. As we submit totally to God and have faith in Him, our refreshment will manifest in full according to God’s words in Jeremiah 31:25 – Amen.

Holiness By Deliverance

Holiness By Deliverance Obadiah 1:17 – But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; … (KJV) Holiness is a product of deliverance. One in captivity is subject to the deeds of his or her captor just like a slave have no say of his or her actions. The Israelites ate the food and drank the water that was made available unto them by their task masters. This is what captivity can bring. The Lord has declared that He will deliver you, I and everyone that maybe in captivity of any kind. Just the same way He brought out the Israelites, Jehovah will deliver us with His mighty arms – Psalm 89:13, Deuteronomy 4:34. The grace of God will locate us. Jehovah will deliver us from every captor (habits, issues etc) that has held our life in captivity and deprivation. The grace to be holy will locate us all. Beloved as the Lord delivers us from the captors of our lives that had subjected us into an unholy life; we should make it our aim to live a holy

September 2018 Prayers

September 2018 Prayers Joel 2:32 – And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the LORD hath said, and in the remnant whom the LORD shall call. Beloved, pray these prayers with faith and as led by the spirit of God. Father God, take all the glory, honour and praise for your coverage upon my life that has kept me and my people safe and sound. Jehovah, go before me every day in this month; make every mountain plain and fill every valley. O Jehovah, as I call upon you this day, deliver me from strongholds and keep me safe. O Lord, as I dwell in your presence, make my life to be a reflection of yours. O Lord, help me that I will not loss my taste as the salt of this world. In the name of Jesus, I repossess all that were taken from me by the enemy. By the Lord’s mercy, I repossess all that I have lost through my ignorance and negligence. Father, celebration and joy will n

September 2018 – Month of Possessing My Possessions

September 2018 – Month of Possessing My Possessions Obadiah 1:17 – But in Mount Zion some will be kept safe, and it will be holy; and the children of Jacob will take their heritage. Hallelujah! This is the ninth month of 2018 and grace has brought us safe and sound. We give God all the praise for He alone made it possible. Beloved, I am happy for you! The preceding verse from the scripture above depicts that the children of Israel at a time were taken into captivity but grace proclaim to them repossession. This repossession will be only to those that are in Mount Zion (God’s presence) and they are holy. Hence, if you want to possess your possessions beloved you have to dwell in God’s presence and be holy. I believe that in the last month ( Month of Exchange ), you did a lot of spiritual giving. God’s will deliver you from captivities this month. Grace will locate you and you will celebrate. All you need do is to be in the Lord’s presence continually. In the

August 2018 Prayers

August 2018 Prayers God works in a mysterious way. The thoughts of human are never that of God. For there to be input there must be output. As you say these prayers, may help honour them and give you exchange positively in the areas you need them, Amen! I give unto you Jehovah all the glory, for who you are, what you have done and what you will do. Lord I lift up this month into your hands, sanctify and bless this month for my friends, family and I. Let you covenant of peace, favour, grace, mercy and love be continually present in my life. O Lord, pay me a visit in this month that will change my issues to testimony. Jehovah, give me the heart and eyes to see you and recognise you. O Lord, give me the grace to be receptive to godly messengers. Possess me O Lord with the heart of sacrifice. Jehovah, never let me lack seed to sow. My seeds and sacrifices of this month and before, speak positive exchange in my life in Jesus name. O Lord, in this month of Exchange, exchange my tro

August 2018 – Month of Exchange

August 2018 – Month of Exchange Genesis 18:8 – And he took butter and milk and the young ox which he had made ready and put it before them, waiting by them under the tree while they took food. Welcome to the eight month of 2018, hereby themed the Month of Exchange. Abraham from our text did something important and that gave him a promise to what he has been long expecting. This month, we should act like Abraham and we will see that whatever you have been expecting will be given to you. God gave Jesus to the world and He gained the world and His son back. Learn to give so that you can get. Jesus gave Himself to the purpose of His Father and He became a King rather than remaining as a begotten son. See John 3:16, Colossians 2:10, Philippians 2:9. Also remember that in the Bible, a hidden king that understands the strength of exchange, took his son that ought to become a king and sacrifice him as a burned sacrifice, 2 Kings 3:27. In this month of exchange, do s

July 2018 Prayers

God has not changed and He will never change. His words are active and powerful more than hammer, and even destroys what seems indestructible. Just use the below to pray and believe God for an answer. Jehovah I thank you for your grace, mercy, love and faithfulness towards me. Let your grace and mercy never depart from my life. O Lord, give me the heart and zeal to serve you truthfully and faithfully. Let your rain of blessing –health, finance, peace, joy, fruitfulness and so on; fall heavy on me. O Lord, make my life fruitful and fuller with good things. Father, connect me to people that will make me flourish. Father, take away lack from my life. On every good thing, Jehovah multiply me and increase my fame. O Lord, teach me thy ways that I will not make mistakes in life. I speak fruitfulness and fuller into my life and family. In this month of Divine Abundance, I will never experience lack and dryness. Lord, let every area of my life that is fruitless, dried and dead

June 2018 Prayers

June 2018 Prayers John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. Numbers 25:12 – Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace Psalms 39:12 – Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were. Thank you Jehovah for the abundance of last month and for bringing me into a new month – the month of Divine Peace. I thank you for all that you have done, all you are doing and all that you will do. O Lord, hear my prayers and be attentive to my cry. Answer me speedily and hold not your peace at my pains and tears. Father, give me the grace and enablement to serve you faithfully, truthfully and in spirit. O Jehovah, give me your covenant of peace. Let the covenant of your peace be evident in my life. In every area of my life, I speak the peace that is from above

This Will Not fail

This Will Not fail 1 Kings 17:14 – For thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel: The meal in the barrel shall not waste, neither shall the oil in the cruse fail, until the day that Jehovah sendeth rain upon the face of the earth! Calvary greetings of peace and grace. I have come to speak into your life by the spirit of God. Every good you have done and every obedience you have shown towards the kingdom of God will turn your life around for the better. Since you have done good and have been obedient, the Lord will cause increase and ceaseless flow of blessings unto you. That which you think is the last will not be the last. The widow obeyed and put God first then she did not regret. I pray for you that in this week you will have no regrets; none of your endeavours will die; your oil will not fail and your flour will not cease. Because you have been putting God first, you will be the first to be blessed, favoured, promoted and recognised in your different offices and busin

May 2018 Prayers

May 2018 Prayers There is nothing God can’t do. He cause rain to flow in the desert and makes plants to grow. Though today might be without hope but with God on your side, you will face tomorrow. Don’t lose faith; join us as we talk to our Father Jehovah concerning this month. Jehovah I thank you for your grace, mercy, love and faithfulness towards me. Let your grace and mercy never depart from my life. O Lord, give me the heart and zeal to serve you truthfully and faithfully. Let your rain of blessing –health, finance, peace, joy, fruitfulness and so on; fall heavy on me. In this month of Divine Abundance, I will never experience lack and dryness. Lord, let every area of my life that is fruitless, dried and dead bud again. Jehovah, fight my fighter, spoil my spoilers and rob my robbers. Jehovah, the blessing of each day in this month will not be denied me. Jehovah, grant me divine wisdom so that I will not fight my divine abundance. Thank you Jehovah, let your will be