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What To Follow

What To Follow 3 John 1:11 [11] Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good... Following is part of human life. Directly or indirectly we follow things trending like fashion, technology, news and others. Following is even done via the social media. You frequently get updates about what you follow like on the social media and these updates are on your timeline. Following is not bad but what or who is followed defines the following as go or bad. The scripture here admonishes us to be followers of that which is good. Why should I follow that which is good? Like the social media, you have a timeline and your timeline will be filled with what you follow. When you follow good, you become good also, Proverbs 13:20. Psalm 1 showered blessings on whosoever following that which is good. Beloved, the best and easy way to do good is by following that which is good. A Nigerian adage says, 'A leaf becomes soap when it wrap for long'. Look for that which is good an

Willingness First 4

Willingness First 4 1 Chronicles 28:9 [9] ... know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee... Why will I serve God with a willing mind? David again admonished Solomon to use a willing mind in serving the Lord because our God searches the mind and it is the mind's readiness and willingness that triggers our blessings not just our actions. Do you serve God with a willing mind? Do you know that God weighs the mind? It was the unwillingness of the mind that failed the ten spies hence they confessed negatively. Remember, '...Out of the abundance the mouth speaks'. Beloved, that's why in Romans 12:2 we are advised to transform our mind from unwillingness to willingness. The only way to receive rewards is via willingness in what we do. Don't render hypocritical and eyebased services.

Willingness First 3

Willingness First 3 Isaiah 1:19 [19] If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: In this scripture, you see God emphasising the role of willingness in serving Him. That is why in John 4:23 Jesus made us to know that the Father (Yahweh) seeks for true (willing) worshippers; serving and worshiping in truth (with all willingness) and in spirit. Like we have said before, failure to be willing in the Lord's vineyard is an acceptance of no reward of services rendered because you will not eat the good of the Land. Everything done with/for God is out of willingness. Jesus was not forced to Died for the world and none has God forced to serve Him. Church Leaders and everyone should take a leave from God and force no more to work for God. Note that some are forced and they become willing and do the work, that's not bad but forcing a person and after the force the mind isn't made up to work is bad. Beloved, always be willing from your mind; not your bod