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You’re Above All!

You’re Above All! John 3:31 – He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. Hello beloved, celebrate yourself! By virtue of your faith in God you are from above and that means that you are above all. You are above all the evils and wickedness of human. You are above the principalities and powers of this world. Remember Ephesians 1:21 and Philippians 2:9-10, the same God that gave Jesus name above every other name and place Him above all principalities and powers is the same God and He will place you above all the evils in this world if you believe in Him. To be above, you have to have faith in God. You have to believe in Jesus. It is your faith in Jesus that makes you to be from above. Therefore, do you have faith in Jesus? How is your walk with Jesus? Grace to be above all is available only in Jesus [remember He is the head of all principalities and powers both in this world and the yo

Prayers For Your Salvation

Prayers For Your Salvation Below are the recap of prayers that were made during the first week of 2018 Fasting and Prayers (21st – 27th January, 2018). You can get all the Biblical scriptures and more details using the hash tag #swomintl especially on facebook. 1. Pray for God's mercy upon individuals, fathers, foundation and nations. [Psalm 51:1-19 and Daniel 9:3-19] 2. Pray for your salvation. 3. Pray for spiritual strength to continue the race. 4. Pray for the salvation of the souls of human on earth. 5. Pray for grace and power to flee from all manner of sin. [Colossians 3:2, Colossians 2:7, 2 Timothy 2:22 and Hebrew 12:1] 6. Pray for your spiritual growth. 7. Pray against anything that will make you dump Jesus. 8. Pray against "sitting on the fence" or lukewarmness. 9. Pray against being deceived in this endtime/falling into temptation. 10. Pray for more knowledge of Jesus and God. [Luke 9:62, Luke 5:36-37, Revelation 3:

Let Manipulator Be Far, O Lord!

Let Manipulator Be Far, O Lord! Judges 16:15-20 – That he told her all his heart, and said unto her, There hath not come a razor upon mine head; for I have been a Nazarite unto God from my mother's womb: if I be shaven, then my strength will go from me, and I shall become weak, and be like any other man. [Verse 17] People can be manipulated to do what they never wanted to do. The above scriptures make us to understand that Samson was manipulated and this manipulation led to his suffering and death. When it comes to being manipulated, it doesn’t count if you are strong physically or not. It only takes the grace of God and your wisdom not to be manipulated. Everyone on earth is can be manipulated, of course even some angels were manipulated – Revelations 12:9, Genesis 6:2. The young prophet from Bethel was manipulated [1 Kings 13:11-24], the prodigal son must have been manipulated too [Luke 15:11-14] also King David [2 Samuel 11:2-5]. To avoid manipulation, we have been scriptural