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How to Treat Helpers!

MEDITATION DEUTERONOMY 15:12-23 How to treat our house helps, servants and employees 1. Put their future interest, freedom and prosperity in perspective. Don't be selfish v12. 2. Don't use and dump. Have specific plans for their successful independent living v12. 3. In determining their wages, treat them like human beings who should have enough to secure their present and prepare for their future. Don't be like Laban, Jacob's master  v12. 4. Don't be oppressive. Treat them in such a way that they will enjoy working for you and if they are to leave, it will be reluctantly vv16,17. 5. Settle them after they have served you and it is time to release them vv13,18. 6. Don't enslave them. Don't use affliction, deprivation, denials or delays in paying them to drive them away vv13,14. 7. The reward and blessings that follow obedience and love outweigh the sacrifice v18c.  8. It is expected of the servants to behave brotherly and sacrificially in a way that the emplo


DAILY MANNA SUNDAY, JUNE 14 2020 It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first SAY 'NO' TO ENSLAVEMENT  TEXT: DEUTERONOMY 15:12-23. 🔑 KEY VERSE   "And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then in the seventh year thou shalt let him go free from thee" (DEUTERONOMY 15:12). On December 2, 1808, in his annual message to Congress, widely reprinted in most newspapers, President Thomas Jefferson denounced the "violation of human rights" attending the international slave trade and called for its criminalisation. The Lord, in this chapter, prohibited the Israelites from keeping fellow Israelites servants beyond six years. On the seventh year, they should be set free and allowed to go wherever they want without any conditions. The servant who willingly expresses his or her desire to stay in service beyond six years, is to have a hole bored on the right ear to signify that he volunt

The Origin Of The Word "Christian"

THE CHOSEN DAILY DEVOTIONAL DATE: Sunday 14th June, 2020. TOPIC: The Origin Of The Word "Christian" TEXT: Act 11:21  MESSAGE The word Christian is far different from Judaism, and it is not related to religious sects like the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes, Sanhedrin or Zealots and the likes. Though the name was not used in the old testament there were priests, prophets Kings and subjects that lived a righteous life with the fear of God. The word Christian originated from the progeny of Christ after He ascended. It is simply defined as disciples and followers of Christ who had a serious thought embracing the religion of Christ using it as their chief care to shape their lives through His precepts and examples. They are the believers that had completely disciplined themselves to the way of life Christ displayed here on earth. The name Christian is not bought with money, position or affluence. It is not to be demanded or forcefully retained. It is like respect which can never be