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Manifesting Testimony

Manifesting Testimony Psalms 78:5 For He established a testimony in Jacob And appointed a law in Israel, Which He commanded our fathers That they should teach them to their children God in His goodness has given us the license to unlimited testimony. This license is free but there's only one thing that has to be done - Believing. The established testimony of God on humanity can't be manifested without the Word of God (His law). The teaching of God's law and Word can't directly bring the manifestation of testimony but the Believing of God's word. But the teaching is important because how can there be believing when the word has not been taught? Brethren, testimony doesn't manifest magically or with human attributes but only on Believing God's word. Doubt is the stoppage to receiving from God. It's not the sin of the seeker, but it's the unbelief. Once there's a belief, testimony is not a negotiations. Look at the Centurion, the woman wi

Soul Restoration 2

Soul Restoration 2 Psalms 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. For something or somebody to be restored means there was a distortion, a shortage, a tempering and a short changing. Restoration of soul (which in turns gives healing to our body) is only gotten from Jehovah God not through medicine nor exercise. But one may ask, how can my soul be restored by God whom I don't see! Yes, it's very possible. Through and only through His Word. It's the Word, Instruction, Precepts of the Lord that gives this restoration. In gracefully obeying the Lord's Law then there's restoration. Remember God said, our water, bread, womb, days are blessed and He will take sickness from our midst but if only we serve Him (by doing His Word)-Exodus 23:25-26. Hence you see that the perfection of our health is via the soul when we obey the Lord's Law(by grace not by strength). Naaman sick was resto

Soul Restoration 1

Soul Restoration 1 Psalms 23:3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Healing starts from the soul which then reflect on the body. The last six day was the series "Praying for Physical Healing" and today begins another series on "Soul Restoration", but let us understand the place of soul and body. God's desire and wish for humanity is that our souls be always in a fine state. The soul is paramount above the body. It's the perfume of the body. Things can happen to the body without the soul suffering but anything that happen to the soul have a resultant effect on the body. People normally protect the body instead of the soul. But God who is the all knowing, protects our soul first. 3 John 2. Even Job, Daniel, the three Hebrews boys, also those that endured in the Bible diverse kind of affliction; knew that the soul is what to be guided and not primarily the body. Jesus said, "... fear He that can kill b