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EVANGELISM M ost often, we do see or hear men say their last words or wish before they die. Their last word is the vision, passion or the mission they want to actualize. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ before He ascended into heaven, also gave his last word- “Go ye into the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned”. This was his last words. Are you obeying it? At a point in our lives, when we are living in sin. He called us to come and we came. At another point now, he is sending us to go. We should not disobey this call to go. This is the duty Christ entrusts us with. There are many in the valley of decision who need your attention. From this week onward, make up your mind to do more of the work of evangelism. It is our supreme task.


BE DEVOTED I t would be more gratifying, if you can give more time to spiritual matters this week. Weigh yourself in the living scale of the word of God. Is your prayers life as fervent as before? How many hours have you been setting aside to study the word of God? What have you been doing concerning soul winning/personal evangelism? Don’t spend this week pursing business or getting busy achieving nothing at the expense of your spiritual life. Remember, what shall profit a man, if he gains the whole world and lose his soul. Pay lesser attention to the vanities of this life. Be more committed to kingdom services. Your church needs your prayer more this week. There are missionaries in the field who need your attention this week more that ever before. Apart from praying for them, you can sow into their lives, it would go a long way in putting smiles on their faces. God bless you as you head this call. Amen.


SELF DISCIPLINE By self discipline, I mean being able to control the way you behave or respond to a given situation and make yourself dot things that you believe you should do without being compelled. It is the capital price that must be paid to obtain the price (greatness) it is doing what is demanded and not what is convenient, it is the key to success, the gateway to distinction, the guarantee for dignity and the key to relevance. When you are not disciplined, you can as well forget about success. As a student, you should be able to go extra mils by studying hard while others are fast asleep. As a worker or a business man, you should be diligent, dedicated and be punctual at the place of your work and be ready to put in extra time and efforts, if necessary. As a minister of the gospel, you must discipline yourself not o live to the way others do. You must be disciplined enough to put in extra effort in fasting, prayer and in studying of the word. You must go at least a step highe