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Willingness First 2

Willingness First 2 1 Chronicles 28:21 [21] ...and there shall be with thee for all manner of workmanship every willing skilful man, for any manner of service... Here is another place where willingness is emphasis but this time in rendering skillful services in the Church. Most times the artisans in a church are asked by the pastor to render their skillful services without pay to the church but this should be done willingly by the artisans. You see this was David's advice to Solomon in respect to building the Temple. Why did David say 'Willing skillful men...' Anything done out of grudge attracts no blessings at all. It's either the service rendered goes unblessed or attracts a curse. God bless not primarily the actions of anyone but the heart with which the action is carried out. So if the action is right but the heart is wrong then the action done attracts no blessing. May God help us to always render services with all willingness of heart so that we will a

Willingness First

Willingness First 2 Corinthians 8:12 [12] For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. God deals with the mind and not with body. The place of a willing mind can't be push away from the walk with God. God forces no man to do his will nor to obey Him. Willingness is not just in giving but in our every walk with God. Service brings blessings but some attract curses, why? When we serve God with unwillingness, to the physical we have served but to God we haven't and the consequences of not serving will be on us. Beloved, we have to make up our mind to be willing in the vineyard of the Lord so that your services will be profitable unto you. God doesn't accept a service from a heart that murmurs and complain. So in everything we do our heart must first be made up to do what we what to do. For the next few days, we will be looking at willingness in respect to serving God. May God teach us all a

Seek and Remember

Seek and Remember 1 Chronicles 16:11-12 [11] Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually. [12] Remember his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth; Many times the circumstances and problems of life may push us to a point that we forget seeking the Lord and even His done wonders. Also, at times the pleasures of this life can also make us forget God and His wonders. But in any life situation, we're admonished not to forget God nor His wonders and marvelous works. A prayer I love so much is Proverbs 30:7-9 and we should pray that never in life will we say, 'Who is the Lord?'. Forgetting the Lord either by not seeking Him or by not remembering His wondrous works have a negative impact on us. When we forget God, we are cut from the benefits of the land and of the earth. When we don't seek God, we don't find Him. When we forget His works, our faith diminishes and we are likely to be deceived. May we continua