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Praise and Prophecy!

Praise and Prophecy! “ Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, and a two-edged sword in their hand; ” - - - Psalm 149:6 The power of praise can’t be underestimated, and when it is compelled with the two-edged sword, it becomes an undefeatable weapon for the annihilation of ones enemies. This is a methodology to handle the problems and become victorious. The two-edged sword is the word of God and the power of God’s word can’t be compared with or to anything. Beloved of God, our father Jehovah wants us to have this weapon of praise and His word in our mouth always. Remember God’s word is sharper than two-edged swords and His word is a destroyer of walls and barriers. Learn to speak the word (prophecy) and praise God. Shalom!

Getting Light

Getting Light “ They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. ” - - - Psalm 34:5 In physics, reflection is a property of light. Reflection causes a thing to be imaged from the original. This is exactly what happened in our scripture above. To get lighten we have to go to the light and not to darkness. The light that can lighten us is from God, because God is light. One of the ways this light can come is by the power of praise and worship. You see why you need to always praise and worship God not only during this our operation. I pray that as you engage in this praise and worship of the person of God, your life will be lighten and it will become brighter than before – Amen. Shalom and Chara!

Sweetness From Hardness

Sweetness From Hardness “ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim. ” - - - Joel 3:18 Hallelujah! Did you hear it? … the mountains shall drop down new wine …, this means that every difficulty in your life is changing to sweetness and everything that brings tears and pains will begin to brings joy and happiness. Not just the mountains and the hills, but also the rivers and the fountains will again bring waters. That’s to say, where your source of legitimate income [business, office, profession or others] has gone dry and ill, Jehovah will make it spring forth again. Your rivers [income] will flourish again. Praising and worshipping God brings His presence and His presence brings fruitfulness, positive changes, flourishing and abundance. Continue