God's Charge 1 Zechariah 7:9 MSG [9] Well, the message hasn't changed. GOD-of-the-Angel-Armies said then and says now: "'Treat one another justly. Love your neighbors. Be compassionate with each other. Hello beloved! There is nothing new in the charge of God to us his children. God is a God of love and He want us all to show His kind of love to everyone without discrimination nor selection. There are three things here namely; we should 1) act and deal JUSTLY 2) LOVE 3) be COMPASSIONATE Beloved, are you fulfilling these charges or are you guilty like others? There is nothing God want from us but to Love in His way. Love those that hate and despise you. You love will either correct them or will become a coal of fore on them thereby killing them if they fail to repent. Beloved pray that God will help you to have His kind of love and Heart. With His kind of love ad Heart, you can act and deal justly, be compassionate and love all even those that make themselv...
Evangelizing God's Word and Edifying Humanity through God's Word