The Lord’s Complaint 3
Malachi 2:13-16 – For I am against the putting away of a wife, says the Lord, the God of Israel, and against him who is clothed with violent acts, says the Lord of armies: so give thought to your spirit and do not be false in your acts.
Don’t Dishonour Marriage!
Marriage is the only institution established by God at the creation. God Himself is the founded, inventor and owner of marriage – Genesis 2:20-25. God so much honour marriage and we can see it in the marriage between Christ and the Church that in no way Christ has put away the church despise the church doings [the church here is you and I] – Ephesians 5:25-33.
There are ways in which marriage can be dishonoured and these ways are through divorce and through fornication/adultery. Let’s look at these ways!
God joins in marriage – Matthew 19:6,8. With God, there is no room for divorce in marriage except for infidelity [but infidelity can be forgiven as it all depends on love of the cheated and repentance of the cheater]. Please read, Jeremiah 3:8, Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:2,4,5.
Illicit sex outside the one you marry also dishonour marriage and God is not happy with illicit sex in marriage and even among the single. This is because sex has a strong mystery just like marriage – 1 Corinthian 6:16. Illicit sex defiles the marriage in total because a third person is introduced into the marriage and God wants marriage to be only for two persons – Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:28, 1 Corinthian 7:10-11, Hebrews 13:4.
Beloved, human and the human laws are not God and God’s mind respectively. What God is saying about marriage is the final. Don’t dishonour your marriage and don’t divorce your marriage partner. May God give us the grace to deal faithfully with our partner and in our marriage. Shalom!
Malachi 2:13-16 – For I am against the putting away of a wife, says the Lord, the God of Israel, and against him who is clothed with violent acts, says the Lord of armies: so give thought to your spirit and do not be false in your acts.
Don’t Dishonour Marriage!
Marriage is the only institution established by God at the creation. God Himself is the founded, inventor and owner of marriage – Genesis 2:20-25. God so much honour marriage and we can see it in the marriage between Christ and the Church that in no way Christ has put away the church despise the church doings [the church here is you and I] – Ephesians 5:25-33.
There are ways in which marriage can be dishonoured and these ways are through divorce and through fornication/adultery. Let’s look at these ways!
God joins in marriage – Matthew 19:6,8. With God, there is no room for divorce in marriage except for infidelity [but infidelity can be forgiven as it all depends on love of the cheated and repentance of the cheater]. Please read, Jeremiah 3:8, Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:2,4,5.
Illicit sex outside the one you marry also dishonour marriage and God is not happy with illicit sex in marriage and even among the single. This is because sex has a strong mystery just like marriage – 1 Corinthian 6:16. Illicit sex defiles the marriage in total because a third person is introduced into the marriage and God wants marriage to be only for two persons – Exodus 20:14, Matthew 5:28, 1 Corinthian 7:10-11, Hebrews 13:4.
Beloved, human and the human laws are not God and God’s mind respectively. What God is saying about marriage is the final. Don’t dishonour your marriage and don’t divorce your marriage partner. May God give us the grace to deal faithfully with our partner and in our marriage. Shalom!
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