Getting God’s Secrets!
Genesis 18:17 – And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do;
Secrets are only given to a close associate and got from a close source, hence if you want to get secrets then be a close associate.
We can see that God didn’t not hide His mission of destruction from Abraham imply because Abraham was a close associate. Not closeness in terms of physical both first closeness in heart.
Remember that yesterday we said that staying more in the Lord’s presence gives access to divine secret. Beloved, don’t be in a haste to go out of God’s presence. There are secrets which will only be given when we are close. Deuteronomy 29:29, Isaiah 445:19, Daniel 2:22, Matthew 13:35.
Beloved, I pray that as we strive to be close to God, the secrets that we save us and those that we care for will be revealed unto us in Jesus Name, Amen. Shalom!
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