Honour For Leaders – Our Words
Number 16:13 – Is it not enough that you have taken us from a land flowing with milk and honey, to put us to death in the waste land, but now you are desiring to make yourself a chief over us?
From the previous verses, Moses sent for Dathan and Abiram who were leaders among the children of Israel, but they didn’t honour his invitation. In the earlier verses of this chapter these men together with Korah and other leaders who were all together two hundred and fifty in number gathered against Moses and Aaron and against their priestly position and authority.
Those words from our text were the reply Moses got from Dathan and Abiram when they were sent for; they refuse to honour his invitation and they spoke negative things about him in their tents. For the next few days, we will dwell on this series but for today we’ll be considering our words.
Our Words
Now the question comes to you, what are the things you say concerning your leader both spiritual and circular, are your words encouraging and loving, probably we think they are the one to love and encourage us and all we have to do is to attend services pay our tithes and offering and thereafter make comments about the service.
Are you the type that makes your pastor regret going into the ministry and obeying the call of God or are you the one that makes him cry after labouring so much for your spiritual growth, after spending days with empty stomach seeking the face of God on your behalf.
Your pastor, spiritual or circular leaders or anybody that you’re subject to in any way, even your husband deserves more accolades from you.
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