Be A Partaker!
2 Corinthians 1:7 – And our hope of you is steadfast, knowing, that as ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.
Calvary greetings beloved heirs of God. There is no output without an input. What we harvest is what we had sowed.
It is an irony that many want abundance and never which to suffer with Christ. There is no exclusion from the suffering of Christ if we want His abundance. This is the truth! The fact that you are a Christian doesn’t mean that you won’t suffer in Christ.
The suffering in Christ is not the repercussion of sin. It is not self-inflicted suffering. Suffering with Christ’s is the reproach that comes from choosing the ways of God. If we don’t suffer with Christ, we can never partake of His glory, abundance and benefits.
2 Timothy 2:12 clearly stated that is we run from the sufferings in Christ, then we are indirectly running from our fame, riches, honour and goodness. Beloved, identifying with Christ, whether in suffering if need be or in pleasure; is the key to our divine abundance.
Be a partaker of Christ’s suffering to have divine abundance by being a partaker of His glory. Shalom!
O Lord, help me that I will never deny you because of your sufferings which I have to go through. Help me to be a partaker of your sufferings in Jesus name, Amen!
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