DATE: Thursday 18th June, 2020.
TOPIC: Come Unto Me
TEXT: Matt. 11:28
Whenever I go through the Sankey, especially when I feel happy and want to get inspired by the love of God for mankind, I usually amongst others open to sacred songs and solos 473 - "Just as I am without one plea, but that the blood was shed for, and that thou bids me come to thee O lamb of God, I come." It invites the sinner with all his sins, just as he is with all his..., all his unworthiness, pardon, cleanse and receive to relieve them. The love of the father has broken every barrier down - John 3:16. From verse 28 of our text, Christ says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
The call is for all, the righteous and unrighteous. Job 14:1 says, "Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble." You might be rich or poor, illiterate or learn, black or white. It is an open invitation. At anytime, anywhere, you need Jesus - the Saviour of mankind. Beloved, you need not wait until you are down or dead. There is nothing you can do to become acceptable or become saved except by accepting Him as your personal Lord and Saviour. Beloved, it is only Jesus Christ that is available and given the authority (Matt. 28:18) to deliver from the guilt and penalty of sin. Only Him can solve our problem of life, He alone and none other. Can give us peace and Joy and hope for the future. He is even ready to pull you out of the frustrations, struggles and hopelessness you are into. Good day.
1. Appreciate God for a new down and for His word.
2. Pray for forgiveness in whichever you have wander far from Him.
3. Pray that God should give you the power to seek Him in every circumstance.
This is a publication of Christ's Chosen Church of God International. Have a blessed day.
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