James 2:10-26
More than mental faith and confession
1. The laws of God by which man will be judged are more than the 10 commandments vv9,10.
2. 99.9% obedience = 100% disobedience to God vv10-13. No man can please the Holy God by good works without definite salvation or new birth experience.
3. While good works cannot save any except by personal faith in Christ, genuine faith is known by the good works we manifest vv14-16.
4. Divine Mathematics
a. Good works - faith in Christ = 0% (total failure). Galatians 2:16, Ephesians 2:8,9.
b. Faith in Christ - good works = 0% (total failure) vv14, 17, 26.
c. Faith - good works = vain religion v20.
c. A man of faith without a new life in Christ is not better than Satan v19.
d. Faith + fruits of repentance + good works = 100% v22.
e. Any score less than 100% is failure v10.
Who said new birth minus holy living is sufficient?
Lord, I realise that good trials are not enough, give me the new birth that will turn my efforts into experience of sonship power.
Lord, I don't have confidence in my ability to please you, do a deeper work of holiness in me🙏
Pray for Church goers without new birth that they will see the need to come personally to Christ🙏
Pray for people in your community, that are deceived by mere religion of good works, that their eyes will opened to the need for Christ🙏
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