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It is advisable that you prayerfully and meditatively read the text first

TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 1:1-13.
🔑KEY VERSE "And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore" (1 SAMUEL 1:10).

Perseverance pays. God knows where we are hurting and He is always moved by our tears of sorrow as a compassionate Father.

The story of Hannah is a classic example of God's faithfulness to those who trust Him. Although it seemed her journey to Shiloh really yielded no dividend, she continued. She was always part of the worshippers, though with a heavy heart. Only God knew how much she must have cried for the blessing of the womb.

Each time she went to Shiloh, she had one special request - that God should touch her womb. To make matters worse, Peninnah, her husband's second wife, was always in the habit of deriding and reminding her of her barren status. In spite of this, Hannah persevered because she knew only God could change her situation.

Her life challenges us not to lose faith in times of adversity. A song writer wrote, "It's always darkest before the dawn..." It is always at a point when it seems all hope is lost that miracles usually take place. Moreover, as believers, we must not join issues with those who employ offensive words against us based on our present status. Instead, our prayers should always be channelled to the Lord. Some have had to employ criticism against men of God, while others have embraced blasphemy to show their level of frustration over some challenges in their lives. These actions are wrong.

Prayer changes things and God is waiting for us to show a little more commitment to Him. He has promised to bless us and change our night into day if we call upon Him.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Faith will win the victory everyday.


Helpers of destinies

1. The mocking second wife
If the second wife was not mocking Hannah, would Hannah had prayed with so much intensity and bitterness of heart? vv6,7.
Your adversaries are really your destiny helpers to challenge your faith and develop your spiritual muscles thereby "pushing" you to your divinely planned destiny. Don't hate your adversaries, thank God for them.
2. Eli, the visionless minister
Eli was a man of God who had lost his spiritual vision and sight vv12,13. He, instead of praying and assist Hannah, was busy watching her mouth as she was praying. Yet he was the one God used to put a final amen to her prayers.
Never judge, underrate, undermine or quarrel with any child of God. God could have given him/her the key to the miracle you are looking for.
3. The loving husband, her friendly enemy
The man did not feel the pain of barrenness because he already had children with the first woman. Rather than praying along as a partner, he was busy giving her a faith killing comfort v8.
Beware of friends who quench your spirit of prayers and quest to move to another higher level.

Lord let my destiny helpers locate me and let me locate them🙏
Lord, keep me far away from destiny quenchers🙏
Lord, give me the faith and courage that is greater than my challenges🙏
Ask for the faith that never give up until victory is real for all Church members🙏

HYMN Never give up

1. Never be sad or desponding,
If thou hast faith to believe;
Grace, for the duties before thee,
Ask of thy God and receive.
Never give up,
Never give up,
Never give up to thy sorrows,
Jesus will bid them depart;
Trust in the Lord,
Trust in the Lord,
Sing when your trials are greatest,
Trust in the Lord and take heart.
2 What if thy burdens oppress thee;
What though thy life may be drear;
Look on the side that is brightest,
Pray, and thy path will be clear. [Refrain]
3 Never be sad or desponding,
There is a morrow for thee;
Soon thou shalt dwell in its brightness,
There with the Lord thou shalt be. [Refrain]
4 Never be sad or desponding,
Lean on the arm of thy Lord;
Dwell in the depths of His mercy,
Thou shalt receive thy reward. [Refrain]


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