DATE: Wednesday 10th June 2020.
TOPIC: Constant Companionship With God
TEXT: PS 23:3-4
When we agree to subject ourselves to His directives and live in obedience to His word, not turning aside our conscience, he leads us by the still waters, i.e. in dangers, deep and imminent, He leads us. Even when the true believers wander away from the paths into the by paths, God shows them their errors and there is repentance as they come back quickly to their duty post. verse 4 of our text says, "Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, "FOR THOU ART WITH ME" thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me." David as a young Lad suffered and passed through series of dangers.
As a youth, Saul sought to kill David with all his military powers and when he was aged, there was internal face off and gang ups that even made him run away from his throne. This was what prompted him to write this psalm - "Though i was in the peril of death, though in the midst of danger, deep as a valley, dark as a shadow and dreadful as death itself, God was with me (Immanuel)". Beloved, you may be very sick, old and written off, sentence to death, facing poverty, failure, beloved, you need not to be afraid because it is only a shadow of death. The serpent's shadow will not and cannot sting assurance that brings comfort to our weary hearts. The comforting presence of the Saviour is promised. "Thou art with me, your rod and your staff they comfort me." Brethren, whether we are surrounded by cultural trends, painful losses of Life or divers and severe problems, all who knows Christ can rest in the presence of the shepherd for constant companionship. what a friend, what a saviour!!! Good Day
1. Thank God for His favour and mercy. 2. Pray that God should save you from the valley of death's shadow. 3. Pray for the complete leadership of the Holy Spirit. 4. Ask God's to enable you to always draw nearer and close to God.
This is a publication of Christ's Chosen Church of God International. Have a blessed day.
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