A rehearsal of the Great Tribulation?
The literal fulfilment of the text will be in the Great Tribulation. For example, cp vv19-21 and Revelation 6:15,16. However, the pandemic is showing that the fulfilment will be literal.
1. Some modern day sins that will precede the great tribulation
a. Proud look vv11,17. Sin is a heart problem, but it will always seek to overflow to the outward appearance in dressing, physical and outward comportment etc., if not dealt with.
Q Mention some of the elements of outward look that show pride and worldliness.
b. Arrogance vv11,17. Unprecedented arrogance against God and His word, due mental knowledge, wealth etc. will characterize these last days.
P Think of how mental knowledge and quest for wealth have replaced the knowledge of God in this age.
c. The idols of latter days will be more of love of wealth (gold and silver), worldly wisdom (knowledge that is exclusive of God and godliness), wickedness, worldliness and wantonness v20.
Are you totally free?
2. Rehearsing judgement of the great tribulation
a. Attack on the global and individual economy vv13,19.
b. Secured people and powerful nations will embarrassingly be as unsecured (or at times worse) as the weak nations and people vv12-15.
c. Man, with all its advancements and scientific knowledge, will be helplessly humbled and humiliated vv12, 17.
d. Many, including the greats, will be desperately seeking for refuge and solution. Many will perish as a result.
Q Can you see how the invisible Corona virus has given us a rehearsal of greater doom ahead?
The only means of escape is total cleansing from all sins and a life of holiness etc.
He that has an ear, let him hear
Lord, don't allow me to perish with world🙏
Lord, let you word and Spirit go deep into my heart and remove every root of arrogance and proud look🙏
Lord, keep me in constant watching and waiting for your coming and keep me from carelessness🙏
Awaken your saints to be ever prepared for the sound of the trumpet🙏
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